Fear Factory - Hellfest 2024 - ARTE Concert

Published 2024-06-28

Onze albums et à peu près autant de changements de membres : Fear Factory c’est tout un pan de l’histoire du metal indus mais aussi un sacré sac de nœuds du point de vue des ressources humaines.

Car, si depuis la publication de son premier album Soul of a New Machine en 1992, le groupe créé à Los Angeles autour de Dino Cazares, Burton C. Bell et Raymond Herrera affiche une insolente régularité dans la qualité de sa production, on ne peut hélas pas en dire autant de ses relations internes. Passé de main en main entre ses membres fondateurs au gré des départs et retours de chacun dans le projet, Fear Factory bénéficie étrangement de ce constant réaménagement pour se réinventer et dessiner une discographie unique dans le paysage du metal indus.

Sorti en 2021, Aggression Continuum marque l’ultime cohabitation discographique entre les riffs millimétrés de Cazares et la rage vocale de Bell, ce dernier ayant décidé de quitter le navire juste après la sortie de l’album. Un énième chamboulement de plan qui permettra néanmoins à l’Italien Milo Silvestro, jusqu’alors quasi inconnu, de se voir propulsé derrière le micro de son groupe favori.

Et à voir leur passage sur la Mainstage du Hellfest, force est de constater qu’avec Silvestro au micro, Fear Factory n’a rien perdu de sa force de frappe !

Filmé le 28 juin 2024 au Hellfest, Clisson.


[AVAILABLE UNTIL 27/06/2025]

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All Comments (21)
  • @akaledoc
    When I was headbanging to this in the 90's, I coudn't realize that I would be here in 2024 just like my father was listening to Deep Purple !
  • @nestalgeek3991
    Fuck. I was pissed with the whole Burton story, I love the guy but now it's hard to deny that this guy does a really great job here. Props to him.
  • Id love to know what creative space Dino was in with Ray & Burton when they wrote Zero Signal. Holy fuck what a masterpiece song.
  • @Talanei
    08:25 made me truly realize that Milo is not a replacement, but the extension of FF. Well done brother
  • @Augury666
    The ''new'' singer is so good, That's the job of a new singer replacing someone with a unique vocal, He has to sound like him. It's crucial and he does a great job. Props to the drummer too, this shit must be really tough to play
  • @kobalt9948
    as much as i love burton's vocals, it's nice they have someone who can sing live now
  • Still one the greatest and most underrated Metal bands of all time. That ending of Zero Signal is just 🙌
  • @VaporMemory
    Holy shit, what a set. They sound incredible.
  • @shaunbeyond4893
    MILO does full justice to this band's legacy. Just WOW! Incroyable ce gars.
  • @deran1983
    Zero Signal - one of the best live performances I've seen
  • @neugey
    They were blessed to find Milo. Drummer is pretty solid too. FF is back.
  • @payneasylum469
    Diggin the new guy on vocals........and the dude from static-x is always a great choice for bass
  • Those backing vocals at the end of Zero Signal - well done! Very good line-up, solid drumming, tight string section, and, finally, crisp clean vocals again! Thanks, ARTE! :)
  • @xtremegamer78
    The vocalist must be a true fan. He has the Obsolete cover tattoo 🫡
  • @-k.e.a3622
    Quel retour de Fear Factory, je ne pensais pas les revoir un jour à un tel niveau, en fait je n'attendais rien, Milo est vraiment bien dans le groupe, bordel les clear parts défoncent! La machine déroule sans sourciller, j'espère qu'ils vont bien travailler ensemble pour nous sortir un album bien moderne et racé. T'as la bonne recette Dino avec cette formation, on espère que ça va durer et que vous allez nous sortir un truc bien électronique et déglingué pour nous purger les conduits auditifs! Pour une fois j'ai envie d'y croire. Le son est nickel Arte et les orgas du HF, bien joué mssieurs dames!
  • @Ari11P
    What a metal concert, seen them this year at Download but it was at the Dogtooth stage, which is smaller than the other stages. Here in the main stage at Hellfest they can really show their power, Fear Factory is back!! Great addition, Milo is amazing metal singer! 🤘💥
  • @kennyhouser3467
    New singer sounds great. I grew up listening to these guys. I never really realized how crazy some of Raymond Herrera's drum arrangements were until I saw this guy playing them. Looks like one Hell of a workout. Raymond always made it look easy, like he was strolling through a park. This guy was giving it everything he had and looked exhausted by the end of the set.
  • @awesomefearsome
    Absolutely AMAZING!!! Fear Factory has new life and sounds killer. Bring on the new album!