How to help an alcoholic in your family to stop drinking

Published 2017-05-09

Alcoholism doesn't just affect the person drinking. So many people ask how to help an alcoholic to stop drinking. The answer is tricky because there is a general rule that you can't change the behaviour of others. You can only change the way you respond.

It is very hard to watch alcohol abuse taking its toll on someone's mental health. You can't make them go into recovery but you can encourage them to quit drinking in a kind and loving way.

All Comments (21)
  • @alexise2201
    I wish for my pain to be over and yours too . my father stoped drinking when I was born and on my 11th birthday party he started to drink again which it wasn’t to bad it was just a few.. but then his habits started to grow now he smokes and drinks. I pray to god every night to keep him safe and to quit his habits but I’m just trying to wait patently. Right now he is out and I have no idea where. My parents argue a lot when he gets drunk. I just want to go back to church and I want it to be how it was before, church every Sunday . I hope everyone who took the time to read this I hope your pain stops and I hope whoever has the problem quits .
  • @moon-zf8fm
    Wish my father would stop... My pain everyday all i can do is lock myself in my room until he leaves.. My sister is very important to me and my mom but he won't ever listen hopefully one day he will stop... :(
  • @ajyu9414
    I and two kids have been impacted very badly by my husband’s alcoholism. Trust me we are all sick for long time from the impact. We tried many things including showing care or concern, yelling, arguing, fighting… but as you can see , we failed and destroyed. Now we realize it is a chronic disease, and a family disease. In front of an alcoholic, we are powerless and we become insane . We all need help. I guess the first step for us is to get away from the situation, seeking our own recovery. I pray god help us and help all people impacted by alcohol
  • @gxuche2161
    when he said you cant change other people it sobbed
  • @jackie7314
    My dad was drinking ever since i was a toddler. He's old and always gets sent to the hospital because of this. I always wanted to help him but whenever he starts talking about his problems to me, it always breaks my heart because i know that i can't do anything to help him since i am just a kid. He mentioned about cutting my wrist to let the water out, it creeped me out and made me worry about him. He's currently in the hospital right now. I also really hope that everyone that watched this video stops someone from their drinking problem, wish them goodluck <3
  • @kathyfann
    I have a house guest. He was asked not to drink here. He has over and over and now we had a huge event. He falls and hurts himself and breaks what he falls against. He is out of control. I have asked him to leave after trying to give resources for him to get help to stop and learn coping strategies to handle his emotions in a more positive way. I tried to show help is available for several months. Now I gave him instructions to leave on the 15th when he gets a pay check. He is not family but his mother who is deceased, was a very good friend of mine. I feel bad I wasn’t able to help him come to a better understanding of his situation. But he stated he won’t stop drinking. So I see no choice. I am a widow and 68 he is 51 and so I feel I Can not continue this struggle anymore. Thank you for this video. I am removing him from my home.
  • Wow.. reading all the comments which I can relate especially that my father is a drunkard. I thought I was the only one experiencing this. I was literally crying while reading ‘coz I remember the time when I was like 8 years old I would cry in front of my father with all of his friends drinking, and now that I’m 23 yrs old me and my mother still spy on him wherever he goes ‘coz we’re afraid he might drink again. Every time he’s drunk, I couldn’t sleep well ‘coz I’m very worried about his health. I always pray to God he will change. I hope by God’s grace, I want him to reach 90 yrs old and more. I want him to experience how beautiful life is and of course I want my father to witness my achievements in life, whether ups & downs, proudly meeting my husband and kids and everything in God’s perfect time & place. I just love my father so dearly, and my mother as well. I’m just going to surrender all my worries to God and trust Him and I know He hears my prayer.
  • @cgfamily7951
    My dad still doesn’t stop 😭 matter a fact he’s out right now drinking!a,
  • @aloahaplays9938
    I started stealing his drinks from the cab it but he keeps buying more
  • @jaear6032
    I hope ur My father...I really hate my father wenever he drinks liquor almost every day then makes my mom be more stress ..
  • @flour5070
    Before I watched this video, I tried telling my dad to drink up to 2 beers a day. He goes out secretly with my mom to pubs to drink, it’s gotten so frustrating because he’s so stubborn. At times I wish he would realize what he’s doing to himself. He yells at me cause I’m trying to turn him away from drinking. He won’t do anything about it, he’s so oblivious. And to hear that I can’t do anything much broke my heart, I can’t bear to watch my dad hurt himself a little more each day. He never worries about himself, on top of everything he’s also very unhealthy with a risk of getting colon cancer. I don’t want to watch my dad slowly die without him realizing it. I want things to change quick, and I need help now or else nothing can be done and I’ll just fall deeper and deeper down this rabbit hole that I’ve put myself in.. thanks for reading.
  • My dad drinks every day and every night he just scares me when he's drunk I am so scared of him that I can't go to sleep until he's fallen asleep
  • i really want to help my mom with her alcoholism. i’m 13 fixing to turn 14 on june 1st. me and my mom have the same birthday and she has a twin so we all three have the same birthday. it’s pretty cool lol. but i live with my grandma and my mom gets sad and it makes her feel better when she drinks. but i don’t get to see her everyday and she gets emotional. when she drinks it makes her so much more emotional. i went over there tonight to see her. and she wouldn’t stop crying or making me and my brother feel like total crap. i really love her and when she doesn’t drink we are so much happier. but tonight was the worst night in a long time. me and my brother cried. she cried. we had our grandpa come pick us up and now we are doing great. but i really want my mom to stop drinking and be happy again. if your still reading thank you. god bless. ❤️
  • @grantreid2782
    Thanks! What you said is really valuable. It just needs to be listened to slowly, while alone, and perhaps once everyday. I think we often tend to run over the "simple" truth in search of the un-understandable complex solutions thinking that there is value in it.
  • @shazzaholloway
    Thank you so much for this video!! I, for the first time ever decided to type a search on here for, with the hope of finding some kid of video I could show to my dyslexic person who can't seem to know when enough is enough, or how much drinking hurt themselves as well as others around them... and even though the first vdo I clicked on, didn't give me that... you did give me hope and optimism and the will to continue changing my own behaviour, to hopefully not only help myself, but those around me. So thank you for that. :)
  • I have lived with my wife’s alcoholism for almost 50 years (thankfully our three children are grown up now and have sensible, happy lives). Although we have all tried every process to help the alcoholism, nothing has made a difference. Nevertheless your calm, intelligent, and positive words in this video were a very great comfort. I have an AlAnon meeting tomorrow so I’m going to recommend that the group watch this video !
  • @xeomao
    Bro u literally explained it all to me thank you so much I’ve been trying to change them and now I know that it’s not my job to do that it’s theres. Thank you so much this really helped me understand and everything thing u said described my family member.