Why Poppy HATES The Prototype? (Poppy Playtime Chapter 3)

Published 2024-02-10
why poppy hates the prototype in poppy playtime chapter 3. poppy wants the prototype dead or poppy wants to kill the prototype as she explains the prototype is evil and killed the employees, but is her cause really that noble or does she have ulterior motives. Watch this poppy playtime chapter 3 theory to find out.

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All Comments (21)
  • @ultimate1234
    there might be a plot twist, the hour of joy is actually initiated by Poppy and the prototype is actually trying to save everyone, this is why catnap hide all the children somewhere safe.
  • @Tericho
    I think we can all without a doubt agree, Poppy is sus. I saw her vent in chapter 2.
  • @LeeE-mg3ky
    This is a minor thing I feel like no one is talking about and I could be totally wrong, but Dogday does mention that you are “poppy’s angel” and does say that he hopes you and poppy can fix things. He is on the side of poppy and against catnap and the prototype. Dogday didn’t deserve to die and he seems like a really good guy…. To add to this Kissy seems like a really soft kind hearted person who genuinely wants to help us and yet she’s on the same side as Poppy unless poppy somehow tricked Kissy and Dogday?…….. Again this is a theory
  • Can’t say if she’s actually a villain herself, but it’s better for our main character to be more cautious towards her. She may really pull a Marx on us, by throwing us under the bus after we destroy the prototype.
  • @passionneal7777
    The game is literally named after her. You are Poppy's Toy, her play-thing. Its Poppy's playtime...
  • @keyo3316
    I noticed that the Prototype (experiment 1006) doesn't try to harm the protagonist. It's possible that the Prototype wants us to find it. It might be possible that Huggy, Mommy, and Catnap might have had some other reason for trying to stop us and it might actually have something to do with preventing Poppy from gaining access to something that would make her dangerous. I have a feeling the Prototype might isolate us in one of these chapters and tell us something about Poppy and her plan to gain power over something. We might be given an ultimatum to side with one party over the other. Given the choice to lock Poppy back up or destroy the Prototype after getting their side of the story.
  • One of the tapes says the employees didn’t get to even talk to the kids. It’s likely the toys that were orphans have never met an adult who was kind to them. They may not be able to process that some of the adults weren’t aware of the torture. Poppy is possibly Stella, an adult put in a toy, which would be why she understood that many were innocent. She would have not only experienced adults who were kind to her but also experienced being an adult and has a less black and white way of thinking than the toys who’s minds never grew up. Both of them can justify their actions and both are also in the wrong at the same time.
  • @RisingSon
    She’s just using the player for her own benefit, once the player gets rid of the obstacles she’s gonna betray the player the first chance she gets.
  • @BeyondBeauty-p9e
    I always thought that poppy is the one who's controlling everything in playtime co. I mean if she was able to see the hour of joy while being in the case, her eyes must've been connected to every cctv in the factory, like she has a hacking device in her body. And that's why the prototype put her in the case to not be able to do anything but to watch.
  • @Sam-np2qd
    "these innocent people were INNOCENT" well said.
  • @DiscoTimelordASD
    Poppy mentions "being left alone with her thoughts" in that case, which means she wasn't hallucinating from Catnap's gas. So why did she choose to remain completely still in that case after Mummy Long Legs put her in it? Something is very off about Poppy. She's not telling us the whole story. I also highly doubt that a delicate little doll was just roaming around the factory, so how does she know all she knows?
  • @Typically_Retr0
    What if Poppy is the daughter or adoptive daughter of Elliott who is the Prototype and she wants to kill him because he didn't let her pass on to the afterlife that would give her a personal motive to want the Prototype dead.
  • @historygamez5106
    doesn't quite line up that she is Stela however, as when she was helping people adopt a child, she didn't understand what "testing" was, its clear that she would also be one that cares for the kids.
  • @LonelyChisania
    It may be that the prototype's actions were motivated by pain and anger perhaps also sadness for the children, they did so many expermints on him that he started hating them so much, he doesn't see anyone as innocent, in his eyes they are all accomplices or ignorant of his and the other children's pain, but that's just my theory.
  • @Iqhshb
    Don’t try to be first be last it’s way harder to do
  • @xenoemblem7
    Who could say that her tape of "The Hour Of Joy" is actually tampered with? Ollie is pretty good with technology and it's understandings
  • @codesymbi
    One special thing that is stuck in my head is the Hour of Joy tape Poppy says: We call it... The hour of joy You see that? WE If she really hated what happen, why she said "We" instead of "They call it" or "It's called" Also, that's the only tape we didn't find, Poppy had it and showed it to us DogDay says You're one of Poppy's angels We have a bad interpretation of angels here While our first thought is to associate Angels with Saviours, there are still the existence of "Angels of Death" Why he says "You must leave, you have to live!" If they wanted help? Why he didn't say "You have to save us" Just like Ollie "We need you, you are our mission" And that's another thing Why we are some kind of Mission? Why our steps sonds exactly the same as Ms. Delight? I belive we're some kind of toy, a really special one that has an eternal body but looks way more human than all the others Ms. Delight says How are you... Alive? Pretty sure that's not because the Hour of Joy but because the type of transformation we went through from human to a toy and after 10 years they didn't thought we were still alive I also remember a tape where someone is talking about how "someone survived the experiment" and they were surprised but i'm not sure, that was probably another kid/toy I also found interesting that CatNap has a Moon collar while DogDay has a Sun one They're the opposite
  • @dracomaxx7275
    Theory: Poppy betrays us in the end of Chapter 4, after defeating the Prototype. And Chapter 5, will be the finale of the protagonist vs Poppy. While killing Mommy Long Legs in Chapter 2, we learnt that she was also against the prototype too. And I think that Mommy Long Legs trapped Poppy in the box because Poppy was the main evil and had her alternative plans.
  • @serendipity4346
    We know so little about Poppy tho. It's like she gaves us the "answer" of what happened here, but what about her? the few clues that we have about her are a few VHS.
  • The Hour of Joy was the inevitable. These heinous experiments are an abomination to mankind. Anyone who didn’t think these treacherous and oppressive acts weren’t going to beget the innate response of tortured souls and bodies is either tone deaf, brain dead, selfish, and/or cruel. Poppy’s inability to understand this is what makes her entirely sus. The prototype is nowhere near as bad as I formerly thought he was post the 3rd chapter.