Final Resting Place For Enterprise-D • Star Trek Picard S03E10

Published 2023-04-22

All Comments (21)
  • @mattdawg83686
    When Riker said “I miss that voice,” it hit me dead center because I knew what he really meant.
  • It makes me happy that the enterprise-Ds final resting place is in a museum surrounded by legends rather than rusting away on the surface of some lonely planet or sat in a scrapyard, she earned it and then some. This ship was to many of us a childhood home, we grew up in her corridors and on her bridge, her crew imparted their values on to us and taught us how great humanity can be, we will always remember her and her crew and their voyages through the stars. So Here’s to the enterprise-D and her crew, may they be remembered and admired for generations to come.
  • @hopewec
    Every Trek Fan misses that voice. RIP Majel Roddenberry
  • @dsmithimages
    "She's always taken good care of us." I'm so glad the D got the chance to save the day one more time.
  • @jcb2582
    “If ever there were better evidence that the past mattered, it’s right here”. Seeing the Enterprise D where she rightfully belongs, fully restored and accompanied by the Generations soundtrack just killed me. Absolutely killed me. Bittersweet and cathartic all at once.
  • @captainr800
    I miss that voice - Riker His not the only one 😢
  • @Gabtool
    I love how it’s preserved in between the original Stargazer and the Enterprise A. A very fitting place for its legacy
  • @STNeish
    When the Picard series was announced, THIS season is what people expected. Glad they finally got around to delivering it.
  • @rontwentyone
    An excellent scene that gets me every time. The Generations theme used when they said goodbye to the D the first time; the nod to Majel and to Dr. McCoy's line from the very first TNG episode about taking good care of her are just all class. Terry Matalas really cares about this franchise, the Enterprise, the TNG cast and of course, us - the loyal fans.
  • @lykan2
    Farewell, Enterprise-D, until you're needed again....
  • @ilttpvvm
    You know, it wasn’t just Riker, Picard, and LaForge reminiscing and saying that they would not have been better without Enterprise—it was Frakes, Stewart, and Burton, as well.
  • @enikata7349
    Terry Matalas corrected, for me, the issue that came from Generations and that was destroying the Enterprise-D. Fully restored, she came back to save the galaxy one last time before getting her final and deserved rest in her full glory :)
  • @TheStammeringBiker
    I cried at the end of All Good Things, I cried at the end of Nemesis, and I cried at this scene too. I'm a 46yo man who watched TNG when it originally aired and I cannot thank Terry Matalas enough for what he did for this last season.
  • @Brook11223
    Enterprise-D has done it's duty. It reminds me of the opening sequence of the pilot episode with Dr. McCoy giving that speech to Data about taking care of the ship and she will take care of you.
  • I'm 33 and just witnessed the end of a saga that began years before I was born. I can't describe the feeling of this...
  • @CoolsBreeze
    What a perfect scene. Even the little musical nod to Generations with the theme song being played for a few seconds.
  • @ASMRMuzz
    So poignant. That ship carried the crew that instilled the best values of humanity within us. That ship and crew was my missing parent when I needed it most.
  • @MrNaxman
    It is a very rare moment when a director actually widely exceeds your expectations in every conceivable way. The (return of the king like homage like almost twenty minute ending) gave me every sense of closure and nostalgia I could have possibly dreamed of. Terry Matalas gave this show every bit of love and respect that a die hard fan like me could have ever possibly hoped or wished for. It fixes every problem Nemesis created and gave us the perfect overhead poker table shot of the seven of them alive and well and finally together one last time just as it should be. A new rule needs to be created to prevent anyone else (Kutzmen for one) from coming along in the future and trying to ruin or upset where it ends around that poker table. As Star Trek:The Next Generation, has literally been given the perfect ending now. And as much as I would always love to see this crew again I know it's always best to end it with the audience always wanting more. In this way, in our hearts and in our minds this crew is in satisfying happy place where we can all remember them with longing and good feelings and then pass this series onto future generations of star trek fans to enjoy.
  • @Redshirt434
    This short scene almost made me bawl. Seeing her laid at that podium, restored to her former glory, knowing that Geordi La Forge will take care of her for the rest of his life, to be visited and admired for Generations to come, and that she's not laying crashed on Veridian 3, abandoned to rust away to the elements, brought such a swell of emotion for me, because this is the Enterprise I grew up with, she's the one that when I was a boy i would still pretend was there in place of the Enterprise E in the following TNG movies. And the fact that she's wedged between the Stargazer and her older sister is just....perfect.