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Published 2012-12-21
Thanks but I got electrocuted and now my pants are stuck to my skin. Sorry dude but if I'm not going to show my butt to other guys then what makes you think you have a chance of seeing it? LOL!

All Comments (21)
  • @CelesteK
    Absolutely. Kenny saw something in her that even she didn't see in herself. She mentioned that she was posessive of her guitars. He saw her talent and wanted to develop her talent.
  • @staynobile
    Kenny treated his pals,and loved ones right.He was pals with Toronto singer Paris Black,and appeared in one of Paris's videos back in the late 80's too.I have also bumped into Paris a few times downtown.Kenny looked out for Paris .I don't care to much about Paris ....Kenny was charming and he trated his pals with lots of love.What a warm ,good hearted guy Kenny was....
  • @CelesteK
    Yep. That's Dan's daughter singing the song. :) She told her story of how she was playing an opened mic night and Kenny asked her to hand over her guitars so that he could tune them for her. Then she went outside and he told her that he wanted to help her and produce her music. :) Dan told her "he can take you places."
  • @CelesteK
    I read that Sergio wasn't sure about returning to the band after Kenny's demise untill he saw how enthussiastic Rob and Dan Todd were. I am glad that Sergio returned to the band despite the fact that Kenny is now deceased. I also read that Chris said that they were all kind of shocked but Mark was so devistated after Kenny died that he was making excuses to not come in and record and get on with things.
  • @CelesteK
    I just saw it and saved it in my Platinum Blonde play list. :) He was a real cutie growing up. :)
  • @CelesteK
    Me too. I've been watching some old GRT, Good Rockin Tonite, videos and Kenny and Mark both look like they're higher than a pair of kites. :P But Mark and Chris both said that Kenny had put his party days behind him. And drugs had nothing to do with his heart attack. :P
  • @CelesteK
    Exactly. I'm afraid to get into something that I can't handle. I mean after what happened between my mom and my dad. I vowed never get hurt like that ever again. :(
  • @CelesteK
    Thank you for pointing that song out to me. I've saved it to my Platinum Blonde play list. I kind of feel the same way about my dad that Mark does about his.
  • @staynobile
    Celestek--for example-Kenny loved Celine Dion and knew she was a talented star from the very early stages of her career.Kenny liked Jan Arden,thought she had a voice from the begining and long and behold her "living under June" cd was a hit here,and internationally.Kenny was keen....
  • @staynobile
    part-2 From 1993 to 2000.Chris Steffler partnershipped a quen west night club called "Twiggys" and it was situated right across the street from MuchMusic ! Oh yeah,He worked at long and Mcquaid for awhile prior to becoming a "landlord",had an office upstairs . Then he worked at Bloor West Music Studios repairing gear and teaching drumming.
  • @CelesteK
    Yes they're doing well together. Mark said that Sergio is still the same dissheveled, adorable, character that he always was. :)
  • @staynobile
    I know very little about Rob Laidlaw.I heard that Mark was so devastated ,losing Kenny crushed him so bad!Afreind of mine told me that Mark was in a terrible state of dispair,and was in still in tears even 2 weeks after Kenny past.Mark loved Kenny dearly.So, it's great that Rob Laidlaw took the weel at the time.Sergio certainly didn't ...
  • @CelesteK
    Indeed he did. When I said "he gave his help to people who he thought deserved it" I meant all of the musicians and artists who were close to him and he gave them a chance to play with him. He gave Dan Todd's daughter Danielle a chance. Her story of how she ran into him was great. :)
  • @staynobile
    Mark worked as a welder in amchine and tool dye shop aswell.Kenny was doing really well.I heard through a mutual friend that he was teaching and doing great .However,as I remember ... Kenny had a habit of doing too much lines of cola from time to time back then wich is what I suspect is the underling factor wich caused his heart attack ! What did you think of the rocky mountain christmas special? There's a part where Mark shows the camera a picture of him as a kid.
  • @CelesteK
    500 word limit that Kenny would have been the one to go all gung-ho about getting the band back together. Platinum Blonde were very much a family of traveling musicians and when Kenny died Mark fell apart. I think Rob knew that Kenny wouldn't have wanted PB to fall because of his demise and I think that in some small way Mark knew it too.
  • @staynobile
    Aren't you glad we connected ? Well,Chris has gone on the radio ,and given a couple of magazine interviews telling what he's been doing since platinum blonde considering that he was the drummer,then disapeared ....but yeah "Twiggys" on queen street across from Much music was Chris's joint -its no secret and when Mark sued Sony music and then released "the seven year ich compilation awhile back,the cd release party was held at "twiggy's " with a platinim blond poster ad on the glass entrance door
  • @CelesteK
    There's a lot of factors that can contribute to a man Kenny's age having a heart attack, Risk factors such as heredity, did other men in his family die from heart disease, risky behaviours such as drug use and smoking. I mean who knows what caused Kenny's heart attack?
  • @CelesteK
    I feel the same way about guys. It's like I can't find one guy in this whole town that would treat me well. So I would like to find somebody who would treat me as an equal. :( I don't date because I'm always afraid of the aftermath. :(
  • @CelesteK
    I knew about Long and McQuaid and I knew about the two houses that he rented out to people that went horribly awry, then he sold them and rented an apartment. The club that he owned I had no idea about. :(
  • @staynobile
    I belive that Kennys "heart attack" stemming from lines of cola...people his age,with his work out routines don't just have heart attacks....think about it????...However,the cover story is more dignifyed.