Leg-pressing 720 lbs like a BOSS

Published 2013-03-26
This was at the gym in October 2012 after about 9 months of occasional body-building. My leg press record was 720 lbs for 15 reps and I didn't even max-out. You'll notice here I was using my hands for joint support because I didn't have knee wraps. My year-end goal for 2013 is to leg-press 900 lbs for 8--10 reps like an even bigger boss. Oh, and please ignore the annoying fake Jersey Shore music in the background.

All Comments (6)
  • @Sharinggan91
    How heavy can you leg press without pushing your knees?
  • @intoxikal
    good stuff man but i cannot stress enough when you are lifting that sort of weight get knee wraps. it doesnt take much to do a heck of a lot of irreversible damage. just keep pushing and you will get 900 easy
  • @Oncopoda
    What makes me such an authority? I am a personal trainer and my knees were once so bad, that I avoided all sports. Now, I can squat and do heavy leg presses, and will soon be doing pistol squats. So, no, don't confuse me with some internet hater.
  • @Oncopoda
    I'm not a hater. I press 720 with a full range of motion. Also, let me impart some KNOWLEDGE on you. I have bad knees. Using knee wraps puts the pressure on your ankles instead. Which is a good quick fix but can damage you further in the LONG run. Using lighter weights will allow your muscles to grow and take the pressure off your knees and allow you to eventually lift heavy with no issues.
  • @Oncopoda
    Really dude? Not a full range of motion and you were pushing your knees. My free advice....forget trying to show off and drop down to 500lbs and focus on squats, you'll REALLY get strong.