Peter Kreeft - Would a Loving God Allow Evil and Suffering?

Published 2013-11-21
Religion Soup 2013
Peter Kreeft, "Would a Loving God Allow Evil and Suffering?"

Nov 9, 2013 at Birch Cove Baptist Church

All Comments (21)
  • Thank You Peter, I’m in 12th grade this year 2021, and will be graduating this July. I’m thankful for my religion teacher for introduce you to me. Your sermon is wholeheartedly wonderful. She sent me this link as I told her that I’m suffering in depression because of all the trials that I went through and starting to disbelief in God just because of all the pain I’ve experienced. Thank you for sharing your beautiful understanding of his words. 💛 God bless you
  • @Miriana727
    Thank you, Peter Kreeft. I thank God that He has inspired me to find you.
  • @banquo80s99
    God bless you, Dr.Kreeft...praying for you, Prof....Love from the Phils
  • @johnfmessa8559
    Thank you Peter - In every video you post, I come a little bit closer to understanding Truth, Honesty, Good, Evil, Suffering - and how they are applied to the tenderest questions in life. Thank you for your humble and sincere discussions.
  • @Grace17893
    Great minister God bless this man: God bless him again and again
  • @RumorHazi
    Thank you Dr. Kreeft for what you do. You change lives in the process. I love seeing the dissenting comments because, regardless of their obvious vitriol, (i.e. Vector Shift below) they are HERE and LISTENING. Even the dullest axe will eventually bring down the oak. Thanks for chopping!
  • @lsa4977
    I'm sending your lectures to my LGBT daughter, still hoping she'll understand. Please pray for her and other young people who are so much confused by marksizm.
  • @tamarasmith1706
    Thank you for all that you do! I feel clarity watching these videos. I struggle with understanding The Lord's decisions because he sometimes allows schools full of children to burn and consume the little humans inside alive. But I know that he is still good and merciful.
  • @evannongrum2967
    Most of the major diseases come from the kind of lifestyle we live..
  • @dannydeadessis
    All diseases is the result of sin. Sin is the result of disobeying God or choosing anything but God.
  • @josephcade3541
    God doesn't allow evil you do you get punished for it it's that simple
  • @websurfer352
    The answer to this question is only one word!! Freedom of choice!! You do not allow a choice of A or B then prevent or alter the choice made?? Doing so would make the gift a farce?? The gift of free will implies that God would honor our choices??
  • @76endurathon
    yet, for God to limit suffering..logically he would have to take away free will or end the human race?
  • @websurfer352
    God does not allow us to suffer because he loves us at least not as a primary reason!! This is the progression: There is no good apart from God- God loves- God wants true conscious agents - God makes true conscious agents with necessary freedom of choice - God honors our choices as implied in the gift itself - we choose other than God which is sin - sin is evil - evil leads to suffering and more evil.
  • @poetmaggie1
    A loving God has to allow evil and suffering because if we are to have free will we have to have good and evil and that means suffering.
  • @Alex-uy7pc
    "some of my best friends ate lawyers" 😅😂