Published 2022-08-16
Other team: "That GUY is SO CRINGE!"

Me: Yes. But I win :)

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#valorant #brimstone #brimmain #brimstonemolly #brimlineups
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All Comments (21)
  • @Thomas_Im
    When someone else spends hours on aimlab or the practice range they're good, but when I spend hours learning lineups in customs I'm cringe or a nerd
  • @isaac_white
    Cringe is a badge Brim mains must wear with confidence and pride! Great content as always Perry :)
  • @v9idistic
    she says the word cringe like a kid that learns a new word and says it for everything
  • Never understand people who make similar remarks whenever someone makes good plays, like screw them for taking the time to train and having the desire to win? I also never heard anyone say cringe as often and in such a short amount of time LOL
  • @eeyana7929
    I don’t know why lineups r considered cringe when it’s literally big brain. what matters is u win & played ur cards right. If you know Brim always has lineups then y’all need to kill that dude first. Same thing when u face someone who has insane aim, y’all kill the one w the most impact & the round is more winnable. It’s the same concept.
  • @100jojo3
    I appreciate how you are taking good care of the community on the one hand and on the other that you are so good at Valorant. Love your Content. I just started using Brimstone more often just bc of the calm I have when I play him. Pls dont stop making Content.
  • @nieton292
    I love being called cringe and triggering the other team by planting in an unconventional spot and playing a weird lineup for it
  • @Opact-
    Ofc she was playing sage💀
  • @manbeast_cs
    I love you don't let them bully you into playing another style! they are just trying to control you with peer pressure by calling you cringe cause they cant mess with your style. props homie!
  • @Xuejinyuan
    The funny thing is that in the whole video, the molly or smoke is an aid to corner the enemy into the situation. Perry actually has to win the gunfights after. As an outside observer, I find it interesting that people look down on his plays when he actually has great aim too.
  • Just discovered your channel. You are a legend. I rejoice everytime someone calls you cringe
  • @topbunkbonny
    This man is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers
  • @flar420
    when they expected the ult and lineups its insane that they didnt tap to bait out your util
  • @krysta1930
    Dude that last stim beacon to throw off the omen thinking you're in main. Crackedhead
  • @abby-hc8fd
    you have successfully influenced me to try brimstone :)
  • God damn it perry i wish i could find a brem main half as good as you