How to PASS the practical driving test | How to get 0 Minors | Be PROACTIVE

Published 2021-06-30
This is Alexa’s 2nd mock test, she made a few serious faults in her first mock test. She is a very good driver and is a very good example of how to drive being PROACTIVE. Dealing with hazards and anticipating well in advance.

She had her real test 2 days after this lesson. She PASSED with 0 MINORS. Very good drive and no faults!

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This video is filmed during a driving lesson. It is filmed for educational purposes.

Throughout the video there are highlights to show when to check mirrors and signal for junctions.

The highlights in GREEN are what you should be doing.
The highlights in AMBER are hazards/Advisory faults
The highlights in RED are serious faults in a test or when I have had to intervene and tell Alexa to slow down or to stop

I hope this video will be useful

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#hazards #uk
#testroutes #mock #London #drivinginstructor
#pass #drivingtips #femaleinstructor