Surprisingly STEM: Dive Specialist

Published 2023-03-27
Grab your swimsuit and goggles, and join us in the warm, pristine waters of a very exclusive dive site – NASA’s Neutral Buoyancy Lab! This 6.2-million-gallon pool is a simulated microgravity environment where astronauts train for spacewalks, and it’s what NASA diver Arielle Valdez calls her office! Arielle walks – swims? – us through a day in the life of a NASA dive specialist and shares her story of how she went from diving shipwrecks across the world to training astronauts on an underwater, true-to-size mockup of the International Space Station.

Dive deeper into the theme of this episode with this hands-on activity:…

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All Comments (9)
  • @brndesk
    Was a Navy diver and a commercial diver and ROV pilot looking for work in 1986. Nasa in Houston and Cape Kennedy both had listings for dive positions and back then you made a phone call and applied by mail. I had high hopes but never received a response. I ended up becoming a cop for 25 yrs. I'm jealous and proud for you. Good job.
  • @freund333
    So her name is Arielle (like the mermaid) and she works underwater. That is just brilliant.
  • @l214laus
    An excellent explanation of your role and it should be an encouragement for others to think about taking the next, not always obvious step in career progression.
  • So beautiful to see this Ari! I am amazed by you and I am so proud of you! Love, Auntie Pam
  • @JasminSalimi
    Love it, so cool to see that your doing what you love at NASA. Congratulations Ari~ Jasmin