Life Vlog 27 - I'm so confused!

Published 2017-04-06
Talking about the path i want take for my career

All Comments (2)
  • It's okay to be confused. It's never too late. People are often expected to know EXACTLY what they want to do with their life when they're in high-school, heck, I didn't know what I wanted to do and I certainly didn't want to pick something and end up being unhappy with my decision. I went from thinking I'd be an artist, veterinarian, space astronaut, comic book artist, vet nurse, zoologist to where I am now, graphic designer/illustrator. Who knows, it might change in a few years but I think I'm pretty happy with it so far, just got to see how I go about handling it in The Real World™ 😱 Ack, scary! I want minimal interaction with people haha~! There are middle-aged people who go to college to get a degree but I understand that you don't want to do that, even though there is no shame in it. School should be able to help you with what you are passionate in - maybe take more art and music classes and drop the classes you aren't really interested in? I'm not sure how the system works over in the US. There's no reason why you can't pursue both art and music as a career, there's no rulebook saying you have to have one passion only. There are heaps of musical folks who are also actors, writers, etc. The world's your oyster! :D big hugs 💖💖💖