Daniel Matt | Adam, Eve and The Zohar | Kabbalah Me Movie

Published 2015-05-15

All Comments (12)
  • @Rebbedude
    Danny Matt is certainly one of the greats! Brilliant scholar.
  • I am grateful! To discover Danny Matt and his brilliant teaching!
  • In related religions, the Shekinah seems to the peace of mind that comes from having the conviction of blind faith (motivated thinking).
  • @jessl1014
    if someone who knows sees this can they tell me if Ben Gurion actually started a campaign to stop using "et" in hebrew? cause i'm looking and can't find a source
  • We lost the ONENESS because of disobedience to THE WORD of GOD. We are now DEAD. In the Day you eat of it you will surely die. Here we sit. Now that we have seen end of life, chaos, rebellion and are cast out of Eden, we are quite aware of the consequences we inherited. We live in a realm of good AND EVIL. WE lost the fellowship and ONENESS WITH OUR CREATOR! " And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed................ IT (et?) The Aleph and the Tav ? shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel. This is the conclusion I have come to understand and to accept. There is no force or power capable of conquering EVIL aside from the Master of All. He, The ONENESS IS THE ONLY ONE..... able to rectify this breach and resultant death. WE ARE PROMISED A REDEMPTION! To have a redemption, we need a REDEEMER. There is no saviour beside Me, saith YHVH. Thus, YHVH is savior; YHVH is Redeemer. How can we know Him? How can encounter The Divine to behold His work? "For to us a son is born; to us a son is GIVEN. and this is the Name by which He shall be called: Wonderful - Counsellor- The Mighty El - The Everlasting F A T H E R , The Sar... Shalom. Who is the Divine who was born? The one who gave the Testimony. Who gave the testimony? WHO HAS believed OUR REPORT? AND TO WHOM HAS THE ARM OF YHVH BEEN revealed? I have believed the report of Isaiah. The Arm of YHVH has been revealed to me. He is the One Who Was Rejected and crucified on Pesach. The Lamb of GOD is The Son of God. WE MUST LISTEN TO HIM. GODS NAME IS IN HIM. HE IS OUR REDEEMER YESHUA. THE HEBREW LORD OF ALL. HE IS SHILOH AND TO HIM THE PEOPLES HAVE ASSEMBLED. GENESIS 49 Now it is time to take back what we have shunned; take back what we have given away in our great folly and error. Here is what YHVH SAYS: i have revealed Myself to those who DID NOT ASK FOR ME!!!! I was found by those who did Not seek Me. To a nation ( people ) who did not call on My Name, I said HERE I AM. Where is pride? Where is boasting? Where are the chosen ones? They are merrily on their way ignoring the true message; happily condemning Yeshus to death century upon century; and not using any spiritual discernment to recognize the Redeemer who GAVE HIS OWN LIFE A RANSOM FOR ALL. davida.expressit @gmail.com .
  • PEACE... ! Its " I AM "(GOD OF ABRAHAM AND MOSES)...! Kabbalah of nothingless means ALLAH means nothing...SHE IS THE DIVINE FIMININE GOD (ILAH) MENTION IN ZOHAR