Philip Yancey on Deconstructing His Faith

Published 2022-03-01
Philip Yancey on Growing Up in White, Racist, Paranoid Fundamentalism, Deconstructing His Faith, Reconstructing it, and a Message to Exvangelicals

Philip Yancey grew up in a church culture he describes as white, racist, paranoid fundamentalism. After deconstructing his faith in his late teens, Philip describes how he came back to faith, or found authentic Christianity, and why he loves talking to exvangelicalism. He also talks about how writing has changed, and how to write about your family pain while your family is still living.

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All Comments (21)
  • @LucyLocketful
    Philip Yancey is still a hero of mine. When I became Christian a few decades ago, my brother asked me to read a book written by two people trying to debunk Christianity. I fell for it, though, and was in agony on a see-saw of faith. I wrote to Philip Yancey, as I trusted him to give me a straight answer without toeing any line. I've still got his wonderful letter - and it made all the difference. I should add that I wrote to one other for help, too - I was feeling desperate! It was Tom Wright, then Bishop of Durham. Like Philip, he wrote in such a real, intelligent and authentic way. He too wrote back - several pages. I could hardly believe that two such eminent people would take the time to sort me out. I'm still deeply grateful to both of them. They're spiritual giants. If you read this, Philip, THANK YOU SO MUCH! xxx (Carey, please could you kindly forward this to Philip? I'd like him to know his kindness hasn't been forgotten. Thank you!)
  • As the world becomes undeniably darker, the struggle to continue walking the narrow-ing road. In my 35 years of walking with Jesus I've just come to realize that when struggles intensify, it is an affirmation of His presence and closeness to me and not His absence. He prunes those He loves. That message is sadly missing in our modern antichristian world. We will suffer! It is the other side of the Good News.
  • @apokalupsis27
    if there is a man i owe the return of my faith to God...its this man Philip Yancey.....even right now I am tearing up just remembering the darkness and valleys I've been in and reading whats so amazing about grace and Disappointment with God.....him and Pastor Chuck Swindoll have to be some of the most influential shepherds God used in my life during that time of darkness....Mr Yancey I am most blessed, not for the paths of your life that brought you pain, but for the light and life you drew out of all those experiences and God used you to heal someone like me.....I am so eternally grateful....
  • Philip Yancey's book, DISAPPOINTMENT WITH GOD, changed my life. I was so impressed by the truth contained in it, that I bought 6 additional copies to share with others. At least one person confided to me that it was a huge help to him as well. Our expectations, if they aren't met, can cause doubt of the things we have believed. His book corrected my expectation to reality.
  • @FabioFinancial
    Thank you. Phillip Yancy opened my mind. The depth of his writing really helped me as a fundamental Christian. Also, I have health problems (MS). Your work on Paul Brand helped deal with my MS.
  • @inhimwelive2554
    Dear Yancey, you are one of the greatest blessings of our generation, some of us have been healed and comforted by your books, throughout our journey with Christ. As you say, “Grace like water flows downwards to the lowest point”, your exploration of grace brought higher perspective to Christianity! you are my favourite author and if I owe the sustenance of my faith to a human being, it would you, Philip Yancey! I thank God for you, for keeping speaking the truth to our souls using your talent and emotional honesty. Much love,
  • @brianhall421
    Thanks for this story. I really enjoyed the story by Phillip Yancy. "Pain redeemed is more impressive than pain removed". I will hold on to that forever.
  • I’m an octogenarian now and grew up similar to your story being in the Mennonite faith. I understood salvation but not grace. I never could be good enough. As you, I walked away, came back to a new and better God of grace, forgiveness and love. I like the way you put it … ordered, disordered and reordered 😊. So true. I’ve read some of your writings and always learned more about who God is and more about what I am and could be. Thank you 🙏🏻
  • 1 Redeemer, 2 men talking, lead many to be redeemed. Praise the Lord. Thank you Carey and Philip.
  • @thispoorpastor
    I have watched this three times. There is so much value in this interview. My two favorite statements from Mr. Yancey 1. Be careful not to destruct when you deconstruct. 2. A pain redeemed impresses me more than a pain removed.
  • @pearly1863
    I want to thank you so much for sharing your heartfelt life experiences and testimony. For using your pain to help others heal, break through and process their own agony and pain. I am sixty years old and am just now processing things from my childhood. One thing that is profound to me is your mother not acknowledging the mistakes she made raising you and your brother... my parents feel the same which has stumbled me. Recently someone spoke to me about what Jesus endured and suffered in life and on the cross. He endured so much more than I can imagine yet he said on the cross “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they do” This is what I believe about my parents and many who have hurt others. They do not know what they were doing. God bless you.
  • Could it be that your mom, Philip, was praying for you for many years, which is why you had that amazing revelation from the Lord? As a mom of 4 sons who raised her boys from day one of their lives to follow Christ, my heart goes out to your mom. It is the sorrow of my life that one of my sons has walked away from Jesus. He was a pastor and is apostate right now. I fear for his soul. It is the sorrow of my life. The church let me down for many years, but Jesus never did, and He never will. This was a very interesting talk, thank you both for it.
  • @kahearne5361
    Speechless and moved to tears and feel I have been gifted today by a beautiful man in sharing his life story. I cannot articulate how deeply his conversion experience witnesses to the unfathomable grace of God ... Cannot say enough... Thank you Philip and Carey for bringing this conversation to us to have had the privilege to listen. Just purchased Where the Light Fell...!:)
  • @judyroth6368
    I'm not sure who is responsible - God, or Carey, or Phillip, but this might be the interview that accesses Phillip Yancey at the deepest emotional level. Which is a gift.
  • @Philip Yancey, your book about a "Grace" changed my life, I was a Pastor with out understanding of grace. Since 20 years the grace is drives me! Thank u!
  • @Over-for-now
    Thank God HE chose to save me when I was dead and unable to do anything towards HIM
  • Thank you so much for your book 'What's so amazing about Grace?' God used the story of the prodigal daughter in your book to heal me of father-wounds. He showed me He is trustworthy, kind and always present. The gap that my earthly father left in my heart - God filled it with His fatherly love. I hope I never forget all He's done for me. That said, I also loved the general theme of 'undeserved favour', and how we Christians, because of the grace we received from God in Jesus, well it's necessary for us to share and pass on that grace to others. Praise God for His wonderful grace. Thanks again for your writings.
  • @mjznh
    Dear mr Yancey, thank you so much for sharing your story. I grew up in a very structured catholic family and was the black sheep. I too, thought that God was severe and angry. Over the years I came to realize that He is a gentle forgiving God. I have most of your books and please know that they were instrumental in helping me to not be so hard on myself.
  • Love Philip Yancey. "Reaching for the Invisible God" was a book that helped me immensely. 💖💖