DEPERSONALIZATION: How Do I Know If I Have It? | (Derealization)

Published 2016-02-05
FREE MASTER CLASS TEACHING THE 5 SHIFTS TO BECOME FREE OF ANXIETY/DPDR/DEPRESSION FROM MY TRUSTED FRIEND & MENTAL HEALTH EXPERT JORDAN HARDGRAVE:… (DO IT!) NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO? Book an appointment with me: Test your testosterone / Hormone levels with LetsGetChecked and take control of your physical and mental health. Get 20% off with this link and code: NOAH20:
Noah Thomas (bignoknow) is an affiliate of LetsGetChecked

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This video is for educational and documentary purposes only and is not intended to treat or diagnose. The opinions expressed are that of the individual in the video and nobody else. Please consult a health care professional for all mental and physical healthcare needs.

I Noah Thomas, the creator of this channel, have been diagnosed hypogonadism by a medical doctor and legally prescribed the medically indicated treatment of Testosterone Replacement Therapy.

My Story

My name is Noah and on May 18 2011, I had a rare reaction to a medication called VIVITROL and consequently, spiraled into a suicidal depression with depersonalization and anxiety. I lost 25 lbs in 4 weeks and was in full panic or near panic for 8 weeks straight mixed with the darkest most painful depression I cold have ever imagined. I immediately could not work and had to move in with my parents who, along with many siblings and friends, had to watch me 24/7 as I was a danger to myself. Eventually I was hospitalized in the Psych Ward for a week. Getting through each day seemed truly unbearable and I knew I would surely die. I have been put on many many different doctor prescribed SSRI's SNRI's Tricyclics, mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, holistic meds, acupuncture and even a form of shock therapy called RTMS. I barely saw any improvement in my condition for a full year. It was decided I had treatment resistant depression and I spent nearly every moment in tears. Weeks after starting my newest round of medications (Seroquel & Nortryptaline) as a last ditch effort, I had my blood drawn for possible hormone imbalances and my Testosterone levels came back 200 ng/Dl and 150 ng/Dl. The average 25 year old male has 750 ng/Dl. With this discovery I had an explanation as to why I was not getting better and why I might be so so sick. The symptoms of Low T are very similar to those of major depression. I started legally prescribed testosterone replacement therapy soon after and have been checking in with the world and documenting my experience with treatment as well as giving my insight and perspective on various topics of mental health. I am blessed to say that I have slowly, over the last 6 years, been improving and becoming more stable which I never thought to be possible. My low T manifested itself in the form of Major depression, anxiety, and depersonalization/ derealization for over a year. Treating my low testosterone has been 1 HUGE part of the puzzle but I have had to continue to work hard to hold on to my mental stability with many set backs. Gaining some mental stability back is nothing short of a miracle as I was near death for what felt like forever. I do not consider myself to be totally healed yet but I am closer now then ever before and aim to use what I have been through to help or at least offer support to others in need I was able to successfully come off my Seroquel and Pamelor.

I work out all the time as a part of my mental health recovery!!! Weight training and all kinds of cardio rule much of my free time and I also share this on my channel.

Noah Thomas (bignoknow) is an affiliate of LetsGetChecked

All Comments (21)
  • @joetito706
    For me the biggest thing with dp/dr is the disconnect I feel when talking to others. Conversation would flow out of me but it almost felt as if someone else was speaking for me and I was just listening.
  • @jwsupersolid
    It's like a first person shooter point of view You don't know the shooter but you know your playing the game.
  • @miroozy
    I never knew this was a thing ..I was telling my friends it's like watching myself through tv screen..and they laughed at me..
  • I feel like im in a dream like state, I don't feel like this is my body, and I can't focus at all, and I forgot everything ever since I had it. I see my family and know that's my family but it doesn't feel like my family
  • @simonsmith2642
    I couldnt tell if I was awake or dreaming, I never knew what was real or if I was still sleeping, and trees and buildings and everything for that matter looked fake like a movie set.
  • @Tenken89
    DP/DR is definitely a terrible disorder but I think the main thing people need to do to get out of it is to stop focusing on how they feel and trying to find a "cure". The more you obsess over it the stronger its grip becomes on you. You need to get out of your head and try to focus on external things. It takes awhile to break free from but you can.
  • @bignoknow
    Sorry for the long lapse in content regarding DP/DR. Wishing everybody fighting this insidious condition strength and courage.
  • @Sarah-kl1tx
    sometimes I am just doing something and suddenly feel like I don’t actually exist and feel like nothing is real
  • @natabeanz2975
    It feels like im another person playing VR as me if that makes sense
  • @CourtneyPoe
    Depersonalizations reminds me of movies where a person is fighting in a war than a bomb goes off and all you hear is a tone like a ringing in your ear but all is silent. It's like a spiritual feeling like you are outside your body but stuck on the inside. It's a scary feeling to feel a mental disconnection to the rest of your body. For me, it's a disconnection to myself and others when I am not comfortable 100% with my surroundings or the people around me. I am anxious to socialize due to not having many friends, violence, when I did have the most friends at one point they pretty much all fucked me over so I keep friends extended and I never seem to go out of my way because I can live without them at the end of the day (sounds so bad...), and family hardship due to violence and parents just always fighting. I am a very solitary and quiet person. I have a lot to say but I think anxiety is over activity in the mind and it freaks out the people with this mental condition because their mi
  • @justicepaul2749
    Its like playing a first person shooter is the way i describe it
  • @bigbadwolf6805
    just wanted to say thank you, three months ago I thought it was the end of my life, that this condition controlled me, watching your videos helped relieve my fears and make progress to the point that I rarely feel these feelings anymore, and when I do, I'm no longer scared of it.
  • @wormywaddles
    As I entered high school, I became severely depressed and my anxiety shot through the roof. After this, I began to experience what I believe was dpdr, and it has continued with me over the past few years. At first, I felt like a robot. Like...something else inside of a human's skin (I still feel like this, and it is something I am currently struggling with). I didn't trust anyone, because they just didn't feel real. I couldn't believe they were real. My life was a play, and people were just props. Not recognizing myself in the mirror was occurring more and more. And it wasn't intriguing anymore. At one point when it was happening, I couldn't snap out of it like I usually can. It was stuck, and I felt myself inside my own body, like I was inside of a mascot's costume. It was terrifying. Nowadays I more or less dissociate constantly. I don't know what's happening and everything I see is too overstimulating, suddenly turning everything into a dull movie, starring someone else.
  • @Lazarus_
    I liked the example you gave in a previous video. You said that it feels as if you've been awake for a few days and I thought that was spot on.
  • @mitch2214
    I’ve had depersonalization since I can remember! Things have felt unreal for many years and it’s affected my memory when I’m talking to people I make it seem like I’m fully concentrated on what there saying but a lot of the time I forget what we were talking about later in the day! It’s hard for me to remember significant things in the past and I believe that’s depersonalization as well!
  • @mollyoxy
    I had this for several months two years ago. It really fucked up my life at that point. There's no way I can describe how I felt. My mind was like disconnected from my body, everything felt like I had already seen it before and it felt like I was in a weird time loop thing. It made me so scared because (i can't describe it) i thought I was stuck there forever in mint time loops every second. Idk it's weird. I had extreme anxiety because of it. Then I learned to just let go and accept it. I was like "fuck, if im gonna be stuck here forever, might as well stop being scared and get used to it". After several months I'm finally back to "normal". I get the feeling of it, a very small hint, once in a while but since I'm not scared anymore it just goes away.
  • @RosieToes
    I love your videos. They're giving me so much information. When I have panic attacks I get extremely disconnected and never could put a name to it. I never understood it's like im so out of touch with reality like my brain is not part of my body. I know what's going on and I know I am nauseous/vomiting/shaking but it does not feel real. I feel like I'm dreaming and so detached. Im glad I watched this video because I think it's depersonalization and now I can put a name to what im feeling and seek help