Hide Show Table Rows With Checkbox Javascript CSS Tips and Tricks

Published 2023-06-24
#HTMLTutorial #CheckboxRows #WebDevelopment

How to Show/Hide Selected Checkbox Rows in a Table | HTML Tutorial. In this comprehensive HTML tutorial, we will guide you step-by-step on how to implement a functionality that enables the show/hide feature for selected checkbox rows in an HTML table. By leveraging the power of JavaScript, you will be able to dynamically manipulate the visibility of specific rows based on user interaction.

The provided code showcases a practical example of how this functionality can be achieved. Let's break down the code to understand its structure and functionality.

First, the HTML structure is defined using the table element. It consists of a header row with column names and subsequent rows containing data. Each data row includes a checkbox column, allowing users to select specific rows for hiding or showing.

Moving on to the JavaScript part, we have two important functions: hideRows() and showAllRows(). These functions are triggered by the corresponding buttons in the HTML code.

The hideRows() function is responsible for hiding the selected checkbox rows. It begins by retrieving all the checkboxes with the class name "checkbox" using getElementsByClassName(). Then, it iterates through each checkbox, retrieves its value (which corresponds to the row index), and fetches the corresponding row using getElementById(). If the checkbox is checked, the function adds the "hidden" class to the row, effectively hiding it. If the checkbox is not checked, the function removes the "hidden" class, making the row visible again.

Conversely, the showAllRows() function makes all rows visible by removing the "hidden" class from each row.

By following this tutorial, you will gain a solid understanding of how to implement interactive features in your HTML tables using JavaScript. This skill can be valuable when building web applications that involve data manipulation and user-friendly interfaces.

Take your HTML and JavaScript skills to the next level by incorporating this show/hide functionality into your projects. Enhance user experience and provide efficient data management in your web applications.

So, let's dive into the tutorial and learn how to create an engaging and interactive HTML table with dynamic show/hide capabilities using JavaScript!

All Comments (2)
  • @jawir226
    What happen when we reload the page? The hidden ceklist show again? Like first time?