"Mimicking Nature: Woodleaf Farm's Ecological Design" by Carl Rosato and Helen Atthowe

Published 2015-03-10
"Mimicking Nature: Woodleaf Farm's Ecological Design" by Carl Rosato and Helen Atthowe

All Comments (2)
  • Hi, Carl and Helen-
      Great talk.   Thanks for your wise advice for farmers AND gardeners. Allowing nature's helpers, the weeds, the insects to co-exist with your production crops is healthy. John Jeavons, whose French Bio-Intensive garden method some of us followed in the 70's, echoes your ways- he suggests every gardener PLANT 60% in cover crops so to GROW one's own fertilizer inputs. Helen's farm with her 'living mulch' idea did just that, as does your beautiful and exemplary Woodleaf Farm.
        Both of your instincts were on target for the future of farming. That idea of growing one's own inputs to the  largest extent possible I believe is key to truly sustainable farming..
       Carl's ideas of tree mineralization both at ground level and by spraying their leaves and trunks is perfect, too. Feed the plants from all angles. I just bought a London Fog sprayer to spread plant nutrients all over trees, berries,flowers, herbs  and vegetable foliage. We think alike, my friends.
       In answer to the young lady's question  to you about 'how to make such great organic food more affordable' her question sends us back to explore Kahlil Gibran's book,vIn The Prophet. he talked of how in future we will live in a semi-agrarian society, growing our own foods, meeting each other through our fields and vineyards...those whose feet walk the pavements of our cities must embrace their parks, find or start community gardens, grow something in their apartment window...take trips to the country and remind planning and zoning boards to, in future, plan in more GREENERY and EDIBLES in every development and city.
        Teaching is all of you great farmers' best gift. It will not be how 'farmers' can grow enough or cheaply enough to feed everybody at everybody's price point. It will be up to farmers and gardeners of all scales to share HOW and WHY everybody needs to learn about the miracle of growing things ourselves. Society's teammates will become both individually independent and inter-dependent helpmates of each other..   .
        No government, no corporation,no university, no farmers' collective, not the U,N.FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) can solve the food needs of everybody. A societal "decentralization" is coming worldwide  like a wise Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul prophesied...I believe it is happening.rapidly right before our eyes.
        In the fields of government, in commerce, in religion, in education people are being freed. Our individual gifts are adding to the group whole. . a bright future bathed in the Light of God's Love awaits us! Let us each shine our lights as beacons to our fold.
         With that being said, the young lady who asked the question shared her own inner knowing that food really is a basic right of all, and its growing and distribution something only all can solve. Share.