SEN Tenz Discovers One Way Kayo Flash

Publicado 2022-10-30

Todos los comentarios (9)
  • @c_xn
    wow this is a better one way flash on gen than what I know
  • @KarltonFranz
    Especially good now since KO's pop flash has been nerfed
  • @Zycon10
    i think this will only blind enemys who are pushing towards switch side or gen...the stairs prevent the flash frm blinding enemies pushing doublestack
  • @inazawa444
    i just got ascent and now im gonna play kayo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • good that he's sharing but enemies r also watching lmao. but hey, maybe it's jsut good enough that it'll still work
  • @MikeyDjarin
    Problem is the higher rank you play the less likely this will work you can hear the bounce and see it fly down at least a second before it pops which is enough time for good players to turn an fight the gen player without being flashed if the player swung with the flash they have a high chance of getting the kill tho but considering they have to run from back gen to front the timing is very sharp to be able to kill them while turning