UFO 10 15 2013 2

Published 2014-01-23
Crystalline and light structured rod, geodesic type construct orb or sphere was in view in the South-western sky for weeks like it was orbiting the planet. I thought it was unusual because of the color shifts,rod type crystalline, geodesic look and color changes. As shown in the video it looks textured, it changes colors and with the high powered binoculars you could see a lighted changing colors snow flake structure.It was extremely beautiful. It did remind of the Crystalline life form on Star Trek New Generation. I have a busy life,too busy for B.S. posted to see what other people think it was. It was in Oct. of 2013 on a predictable orbit,about 10-11 pm,very low to the horizon. It was too dark to see the tree line that was below it 1/10 of the vertical sky. I'm not sure in the video why there are no stars...maybe they are there just a lot dimmer. What is it?

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