Are You Getting Into the Wargaming Hobby Too Fast?

Published 2018-11-16
Are you just getting into the tabletop wargaming hobby, or getting back into it? Are you getting into it too quickly? Are you overwhelmed with all the models and tools and paints? Uncle Atom can help.

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All Comments (21)
  • @danleo9580
    That's so much wisdom. After empting my hobby room and mini mountain I'm committed to not buying new models till old ones are painted. This will be late 2039.
  • @CATAHA986
    You are to late uncle, everything lost, they already occupy my home.
  • Brother you should do voice acting or audio books, your voice is 👌🏻 for that
  • Him: "Don't buy a whole Tau Army" Me: (as I'm looking at the $500 worth of Tau I just bought) um are ya sure?
  • Longtime hobbyist, first time..... *looks at 2000 pts of unpainted orruks* Oh god what have I done....
  • @AeonVoom
    It is actually a tradition at my D&D table, that i make a gift out of the character miniatures my players get all the time. And i also go through great lengths to make sure their mini is as close to their character as possible.
  • @Cluffinator
    I've been collecting books in the Horus Heresy series for about five years now. One day I found out a friend of mine actually played 40K, and that gave me the impulse to hit the Warhammer shop and pick out my first army. The store manager was nice and helpful, but totally dug his Aeldari claws into me. Sold me his last box of Apocalypse Chaos Space Marines. A battalion detachment with 37 models. That, along with the codex, and I was well over $200 deep with no paints, no brushes, no tools, and no experience. Not even the basic rule book for the game. I opened the box, saw this pile of grey plastic and just put it away. It sat next to my desk for a solid four months before I finally got some paints and tools together. Definitely start small. Give yourself a chance to figure out if you even want to continue with the hobby before you drop a whole paycheck on something it might turn out you hate.
  • @iamtib
    Wet palette is the way to go. Uncle Atom speaks the truth. and excellent video. We have a friend in our play group who bought 1000 points of Imperial Guard at once. And now we're stuck playing against a tide of balck primed soldiers because he can't get into the painting.
  • I saved and saved for my first 40k kit when I was around 10. I bought a squad of space wolves
  • @rmcgavock1
    Uncle Atom speaks the truth - wet palettes are one of the best tools you'll use! One more piece of advise, don't be afraid to make mistakes.
  • @Dar2Jee
    I would not say that you buy one unit. You should start with one of the start collecting boxes that have a variety of models inside. Else you will be bored with having like 10 models to paint that all look the same. What also is an imperative if you start: pick a faction you LIKE. Then its easier to get investet into the painting and stuff.
  • @BlackJackLegacy
    Great topic 👍🏼. With the vast amounts of info now from YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and forums it’s not only overwhelming but also can be conflicting. It’s not just limited to this hobby either - when I started making YouTube videos myself you can get dragged down the “you need this camera, and this mic and this and this.... You see the amazing paint jobs or the great videos and feel you need all the best stuff from day one. Really enjoyed this one Adam - thanks.
  • When I found the hobby I spent about $100 just starting. I got the main book, my box of Gretchin, the snippers, a few paints and 2 brushes (layer brush and dry brush) and a spray paint. After I built and painted those I was addicted 😂
  • @floaterfans
    Pure genius as always. I lucked out and asked a friend if he had some old paints and minis. He gave me a couple of Hero Quest orcs and some old paint. Watched a few of your painting tutorials and was stoked on how the came out. Picked up Soul Wars and MSP starter paint set. The rest is history. 😊
  • My tip, if you want to play, is buy troops on Ebay. Like you buy 20 soldiers, an HQ and a tank on Ebay. If they are still on sprues its cheaper. If it's already painted, unless it's a pro job, its still cheaper than buying new. This way you can start to play quickly. Then you can fill in the gaps with buying brand new. Like you want another HQ and a flyer or whatever that you feel would be fun/good for your army. Tl;dr buy used. Cheaper and you get to play quickly instead of assembling and painting a ton
  • There's a well know Italian idiomatic expression which sums up this video: "Chi va piano, va sano e va lontano", which would translate to "Those who have an easy-going and relaxed approach to life, live more healthily and longer“ .. :o)
  • @facenoise465
    I dove deep on my first venture into the wargaming hobby when I bought a big starter set. Fortunately, I was even deeper into scale modelling by the time I discovered tabletop wargaming. So I'd say it is not too bad to go big in this hobby if you already have experience building and painting the larger scale models.
  • Decided a couple weeks ago that I hate money so I'm getting into 40k. Your vids are great, slowly working through them while getting ready to paint my first unit.
  • @ImFenster
    I sure went too fast. I STILL have unopened boxes from my first purchases of 40k. Now I only play skirmish games. Should probably sell em but man... That nostalgia.
  • @vectorshaman338
    Started playing D&D a year ago w/ 1 group. Then started to DM for my friends once a week. Then the books, then a few minis, then a paint or three. A year later and my apartment looks like a hobby store, with countless paints, brushes, & terrain everywhere. I thought I would just buy the players handbook, my mini, and 1 set of dice. Pffft... its a great hobby but it adds up quickly.