Best Sleeping Pad for Ultralight Backpacking and ThruHiking? | Neoair Xlite NXT | What's Different?

Published 2023-01-19
The Thermarest Neoair Xlite has become a classic Thruhiking and Ultralight sleeping pad over the past decade. This new version, the Neoair Xlite NXT has improved upon and already proven pad. The two major updates to this pad are huge in improving the functionality of the Xlite. I think this may turn into the best overall sleeping pad for Thruhiking and Ultralight Backpacking.

All versions of the NXT:

All Comments (8)
  • @tangenttrails
    I’ll have to say this is absolutely the best review of a pad that I’ve ever seen! Yeah, your lungs will thank you if you ever plan to do trips at high altitudes.✌️
  • Great review, this is like the third review I’ve seen of this pad so I am going to have to do some research. Also, that fireplace is super rad!
  • Rock on! looks like a pretty good upgrade, Great Review. I just picked up Past season's model to upgrade my 2016/2017 model.. which is now on sale lol which that in itself was a huge upgrade lol
  • @Pasequale100
    should i buy it in MAX large or in Mummy large???
  • @camperp195
    I dont know who thought the generic pad width is 25” ! Not everyone sleeps on their back,i need a pad at least 27” wide,which basically puts the majority of pads on the market a no no from me! Trekology and klymit are the only people that make a wide pad,but guess what no R values! Ridiculous!