Counterfeit Gods - Tim Keller

Published 2012-04-06

All Comments (14)
  • @franklinkim9631
    Dr. Keller's ability to analyze and articulate the condition of the human heart, struggles, and brokenness is unparalleled and a true gift. His lectures Counterfeit gods and The Search for Happiness- which he delivered 20 years ago at Redeemer NYC- are timeless, powerful and most profound messages I've ever come across. Every person can benefit from these insightful messages- perhaps even change your life.
  • @avenger1212
    Not that long ago, when I was teetering between theism and atheism, I never could quite cross over to atheism. I spent a lot of time watching debates, and looking at scientific studies etc, to get to the bottom of the common objections. Some I settled, others I haven't. But, the whole of atheism always struck me as hopeless & nihilistic. It was another form of slavery, to naturalism and materialism, and I know now crossing that line was to give up freedom for bondage. Jesus is the only freedom.
  • 786 views? How such an amazing sermon can go so unnoticed in the world?
  • @Imoutanames
    Tim is a gift. God has blessed him with the wisdom of his word to give to us!
  • @moonscore
    Wow. Incredibly convicting... God, please lead me from idols.
    completely well informed and Creative. Speak with people about idolatry! What defines, YOU? Why? Awesome......
  • @kmjr1989
    This is an awesome sermon! What is it that defines us? me?
  • @filifolia
    I don't know if you even chanced upon David. B. Hart's "Christ and Nothing", you can find it online. He makes a good point about nihilism being the only other alternative ever since Jesus. It's worth reading.
  • @RonJohn63
    Why didn't those post-2008 suicides re-earn their money? That's what so many other bankers have done. (Unless the suicides committed crimes for which they knew they'd be convicted.)