Mr. S - Walt Disney (Originial Demo) (Still Image Video with Lyrics) (Mirror)

Published 2014-01-10
[This song is now a song by The Inner Party. This is the original demo, recorded completely by Mr. S, before The Inner Party or Mr. S existed.]

At a very young age, I used to spend countless hours at the LRAFB Library. In the children's section there was an encyclopedia set published by Disney.
These encyclopedias were not arranged like a normal set. They were arranged, not in alphabetical order of subjects, but in a type of chronological order.
The very last part of the very last volume was Walt Disney's idea of what we could expect in the future.

Now, I love 'futurists.' But Walt's predictions were taken directly to heart by this idealistic youth. I fully believed in the robot maids and bubble houses under the ocean and the weekend trips to the Moon. They were all very, very exciting to me.

I grew up with all this in my mind. I watched the world of politics, the world of business, the world of society at large, and become disillusioned somewhat. But, I still believed in the future. "Walt Disney told me so it must be true."
Now, somewhat saddened, I realize "I won't go into space."

I made physical copies of this single and sold them for four dollars. This was an amount that I caught some flack for. "FOUR DOLLARS?!?"

I only created the music, and recorded the music, and mixed the music, and created the artwork, and printed the artwork on good paper, and re-printed the artwork to get the color correct, and spent time getting the front and back to line up so I printed the artwork again, and bought more printer cartridges, and then finally printed the actual covers, and cut them all out with no edges, and folded them all properly, and bought the cases, and designed the actual disc cover, and printed the disc cover, and re-printed the disc cover to get my registration straight, ....and you get the point. $4. I sold them because I had, as per usual, no money.
OMG!!! $4!!!!!

When I was
older than I am now,
I thought that I
would get to
go to Mars, yeah.

Walt Disney told me so it must be true.
So, why are my feet stuck here like it's glue?
(and I said "no")

TV shows,
books and movies
they all know

that when I'm old
I won't be old.
And when we're young
we're gonna go.

Walt Disney lied to me.
I won't go into space.
I hope that Thumper
cracks his frozen face.
(and I said "no")

Where is my underwater house
and my flying car?
Where is my weekend on Mars?
Where are the teleporters
and my robot maid?

Where is my robot maid???

I stood outside in the field.
I was only eight years old then.
I'd look at the Moon,
I'd stare at the Moon.
I got some pictures of it
and hung them on my wall.

I told my dad
one day I'd go out there
with a heart made of plastic
and a head full of silicon.

And with my robot companions beside me
I'd conquer the Universe in the name of Bambi.

I don't know what's happened to us since then.
I guess we lost something important.

Walt Disney lied to me.
Walt Disney lied to me!!!

c. 2003 Burning City Studios/Oh The Glamour Music

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