Robust deep learning based protein sequence design using ProteinMPNN

Published 2022-09-21
Justas Dauparas, University of Washington

While deep learning has revolutionized protein structure prediction, almost all experimentally characterized de novo protein designs have been generated using physically based approaches such as Rosetta. Here we describe a deep learning based protein sequence design method, ProteinMPNN, with outstanding performance in both in silico and experimental tests. The amino acid sequence at different positions can be coupled between single or multiple chains, enabling application to a wide range of current protein design challenges. On native protein backbones, ProteinMPNN has a sequence recovery of 52.4%, compared to 32.9% for Rosetta. Incorporation of noise during training improves sequence recovery on protein structure models, and produces sequences which more robustly encode their structures as assessed using structure prediction algorithms. We demonstrate the broad utility and high accuracy of ProteinMPNN using X-ray crystallography, cryoEM and functional studies by rescuing previously failed designs, made using Rosetta or AlphaFold, of protein monomers, cyclic homo-oligomers, tetrahedral nanoparticles, and target binding proteins.


All Comments (3)
  • @neseruzgari
    A question: if I want to design 10000 sequences with ProteinMPNN, is it better to use one seed for all, or one seed per sequence to increase diversity? what do you think?