Africa, low vaccination, covid over.

Published 2022-09-13

All Comments (21)
  • “The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
  • The immune system of the human body when allowed to do it's job is a wonderful thing.
  • Natural immunity over vaccination for me...Best decision I have ever made...lost lots of friends over the mandates here in Canada...could not even fly domestically for 8 month's...I feel vindicated for what I felt all along.🇨🇦😎
  • I had covid in South Africa, am unvaccinated, my symptoms were mild. Our human bodies have innate intelligence to heal themselves, aided by better eating habits, love of self, and no fear of what might happen. Not listening to the gloom mongerers!
  • @odette8905
    Well done Uganda. Excellent proof that a nation can handle a health issue without a singular intervention.
  • @KevinTalbotTV
    tin hat people from over a year ago were already saying this. so glad i listened to them and not MSM
  • @zxumwmki3604
    "Some people in the villages have never worn mask once until now, completely normal lives" Love to hear it 👌❤
  • @ajung5892
    Brilliant to hear this. It's so rare to hear western professionals calling for the west to listen and learn from other regions of the world rather than enforce their own theories and narratives on them. A welcome humility and very important message. Thank you.
  • This is more evidence of the horror that non-medical leaders have imposed on the peoples of the world. I really enjoyed this interview. Putting a face to Africa was heartwarming. thank you Dr. Campbell.
  • Yep. I remember going to Africa on business during the height of the corona "scare" early to mid 2021, and it was like a different world. Nobody was worried, nobody gave a damn, no mass deaths and people choking on masks. Then I had to go home to mentalville, and haven't been allowed out again because of my medical choices. Stay strong Africa, you have this rubbish covered.
  • @mvp019
    So refreshing to hear someone who practices patient-centered medicine on a rational basis without corporate policies driving absurd processes.
  • Uganda is an inspiration for the rest of the world. Love seeing you reach out to other countries, Dr. John!
  • @mohlomphehi
    The fact that no one is going to be held accountable for these extreme measures that cost so much is sickening!
  • @ross1972
    It shouldant really be surprising that humans are able to develop antibodies after being exposed to a virus. This has been happening for millions of years. It was a nasty virus but we have evolved to fight diseases as they appear. I was quite suprised to see the good doctor in Uganda. What a great man. Enjoy your trip!
  • @BrotherAyouba
    As an artist, I traveled to west Africa in 2020 and 2021.. I went 3 times. Performed and went to concerts and clubs and never knew we had a pandemic in the world.
  • @dr.j6747
    Very skillful interview Dr. Campbell, well done to you and to your knowledgeable Ugandan clinical officer friend. I am certain his warmth, compassionate-heart, transparency, and wealth of information are well appreciated by the many people he serves. This interview was very important for all to see, to hear, to feel, and "to know". While my heart feels sorrow for all of those who suffered, I am grateful for the more positive outcome. I hope the world pays attention.
  • @skully0078
    This is a refreshing interview. No "fact checker" can silence Uganda.
  • Thanks John for showing what is outside our own spoiled "western bubble".
  • Thank you to all the strong people that stood there ground and new that this was a big scam
  • @susana5052
    I hope the “clear white light” shines on the rest of the world soon!👍💖🙏🏻