How (the lack of) Geography Doomed Venus

Published 2021-05-30
Venus is often referred to as Earth's sister planet. But if this were true, how can the two planets in some respects be so radically different? Well as it turns out, the answer may in fact lie in the planet's geography, or really in the planet's LACK of geography.

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All Comments (21)
  • @KhAnubis
    So what you’re saying is Venus is a... bread planet?
  • @perturabo7825
    I like how this channel isn’t limiting geography to just earth
  • @Rebun24
    What I learnt this episode: - Atlas Pro officially has a mascot - Venus is bread
  • @sakataginko9092
    I remember reading science books as a child and seeing Venus' surface being depicted as literal Hell, with volcanoes, lava everywhere, and a reddish yellowish overall nightmarish landscape.
  • There's another feature of venus that made it unable to have a magnetosphere: its slow rotation. A day on venus lasts longer than a year.
  • @axeldaval3410
    Spoilers: no satellite images were used in this video, only footage from his local bakery
  • Venus is like the planetary equivalent of someone who keeps their emotions bottled up and then eventually explodes at one tiny inconvenience.
  • @chikensuup7746
    Venus was just like: Being rocky is overrated, Imma half-switch to the gas gang
  • "why is it Mars that receives all the attention?" Just 3 days after this video was posted NASA announced not one, but two missions to Venus in the next few years
  • @Rytonic69
    First astronauts to Venus: "Wait, it's all bread?" "Always has been." *loads gun
  • @allature
    Earth: My surface is constanty expelled and inhaled a glorious eternal cycle. Venus: I just kinda... Explode every couple aeons...
  • @lewismassie
    Bonus fact, in the same way geo- is for Earth and areo- is for Mars, veneri- is for Venus. So Venus has a lack of veneriography
  • @raydunakin
    13:20 Is that a ladder going up the side of the volcano, at bottom center?
  • @duskpede5146
    i love how whenever you see a source describing how Venus is, they literally always say "hot enough to melt lead". every article, every video, every paper will always say hot enough to melt lead
  • @carbonium1264
    we need video on geography of Titan, considering it has rivers and lake it is more interesting then Venus or Mars.
  • So you’re saying Venus is just Earth’s hot twin and is pretty shallow
  • @luckyn4t0r
    Greenhouse gases: exist Venus: "It's getting hot in here..."