someone call Heimlich I cant stop choking

Published 2024-06-03
Welcome to my Halo Master Chief Collection YouTube channel!

Whether you're a seasoned Spartan or a new recruit, I hope you enjoy my content. I play all of the Halo titles, not only Halo 3 (but admittedly, mainly Halo 3)!

Engage with a vibrant community of Halo enthusiasts from around the world. Share your thoughts, tactics, and favorite moments in the comments section - and let me know how your play would have been so much better than mine.
I'm dedicated to fostering a welcoming environment and actively responding to your comments and questions.

Also, please follow me on Twitter!

Now go match me in game!

All Comments (10)
  • @Crashphoenix666
    I love that you don't use a Smurf account to make vids like a lot of other creators. Learned some new jump spots, had no clue about that fence post to jump across to party room. Thanks for that! If you use controller, what settings do you use? Aiming seems smooth an natural, yet you also move fast. I haven't found the right combo of smooth and fast yet. My aiming reticle looks like I'm riding in a jeep on a rocky trail at 70mph while trying to
  • @dVTHoR
    Where can I find guys like this to play against? I only ever get a lobby against a team of 4 twitch boys who handily best me in every 3 v 1 BR battle off my spawn . 1 of my teammates quits and another throws nades at my feet either for amusement or out of sheer unmitigated incompetence.
  • @monolith4653
    The guys you were playing against seemed drunk tbh
  • @shawnruby7011
    You don't have bad aim it's just your movement which gives you bad shots or caught in the open between multiple players where you freak out. That and you have no micro movements I think because you just focus on the person you're shooting and just stop moving or paying attention to anything. You're really good at shooting though. It's nice to see you let shots go rather than chase them but if you have a good shot you just stop even if you're out in the open. These are noobs though. Play good people.