6 ways the west use to keep africa poor and underdeveloped

Published 2022-07-04
Dr. Howard Nicholas explains why the western world does everything in its power to ensure sub-saharan Africa forever stays poor

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All Comments (21)
  • I can give some important rules 1) Stay united, we divide we fall 2) Don't get brainwashed by propaganda 3) Never trust outsiders 4) Education is the key to success 5) Always love your people, never fight with your own people. 6) Build your own economy and don't depend on foreign investment 7) Protect your good leaders at any cost 8) Military Power 9) Build good relations with other neighboring countries 10) Always love your neighbor 11) Never give up
  • They aren’t even hiding their plans. Times up now more then ever we have to come together as one and put aside our differences to fight this evil. It’s time to make Gaddafi proud.
  • @jameswill2017
    Im an African American, I working to bring wealth and help mother Africa build. I'm leaving America and I've tried to tell family members but they are not quick to go, so I'll leave alone. I believe Africa is the present and the future.
  • @misswogdaily2344
    As an Afro American I've been hearing this info for decades and see little has changed. However, since many of us AA's and diaspora are relocating 2 Africa, we can all work together to bring change.
  • I'm sending this to as many people who I know to educate them.
  • @eekiane1921
    I find it encouraging that there are more and more content creators coming up, trying to inform and educate us why Africa is as it is and how we can change it. Only by knowing the problem can we find the solution. Thank you.
  • @jorndoff2002
    The US has done the same thing in Mexico and Central America. Keep them destabilized and poor. They provide a great source of slave labor.
  • @nga88nguyen
    There is a youtuber in my country who live in Africa, his contents was about teach local to grow crops, building wells, house, sell their crops and cooking etc. In a few year he's changed the stage of his villages. That make me wonder what the heck the UN has been doing in Africa for all these decades, do they really want to help?
  • @edomekom8151
    They colonized our ancestors let's not allow them to colonize our generation and our future. My fellow African youths let us all arise and let all hands be on deck to determine our fate. I urge us all to use every available legal weapon to fight all our compromising and evil politicians to safeguard our individual national economies and power, also keep those foreign gold diggers and blood suckers away. Nobody will do it for us and posterity will not be proud of us if we do nothing. Proudly Nigerian 🇳🇬🇳🇬🇳🇬
  • @henryward1614
    Africa, don't need the west, the west needs Africa. You must unite for your own survival. 1, stop borrowing money, it keeps you in debit. 2, create a State of Emergency, remove all foreigners out of your country. Let them know that they will be paid with interest.3. create alliance with your neighbors. Evaluation of all resources , and set market value. 4. Sell a goods for gold, no paper money because they can change the value. 5. Create a central bank where all countries use. 6. Each country must send one hundred thousand young men which will trained in by combat to protect out boarder. 7. Now it's time to work on your infacture , schools, hospitals, homes, roads. 8. Do not allow any country to put any military base within your country. 9. Pay off your debit.
  • @WinnieMynz366
    The more I grow up the more I realize how scary humans are 🤔😢 but at the end of it all, we all die and everyone will answer for their actions someday, GOD cannot be mocked
  • they give rice & flour & in exchange minerals gold PRECIOUS metals. etc.
  • @gideo5792
    I remember seeing this video a few years ago. And I am certain that the current financial problems "The West" is having are due to the pandemic disrupting the theft of resources from Africa and South America.
  • Wooow!! This video really answers a lot of questions. I can see things more clear now, thank you so much.
  • @AmaPeters-pj6pm
    I am also African, I have come to reslise thst Africa's problem are the Africans. We just don't know how to take care if ourselves
  • @wadilotus
    Keep putting the truth out there, brother.
  • 😭😭😭 Living in Uganda, wondering how we can EVER break out of this cycle???!
  • @iamheeeem
    I have no idea why we allow traitors to our liberation to draw breath. The wicked ones have pulled off the deception. And are rapidly moving against us.