Most People Fail Boot Camp Because of This

Published 2016-12-17

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Clayton Filipowicz
2789 Macarthur Rd
P.O. Box 231
Fort George G. Meade, MD 20755
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All Comments (20)
  • @Cryptonymicus
    What? They don't ask if people ever drank alcohol? Oh right, because then they'd have to send everyone home.
  • @fuganaga_2328
    So.....anyone here smoked weed before? everyone starts sweating heavily
  • I bet they just want to “weed” out the people who will snitch when under pressure.
  • @genxmurse7019
    What also gets you kicked out super quick, is if you're a crier.  I'm not talking about that EGA ceremony, where some limited emotion is allowed.  I'm referring to the occasional marine recruit who breaks down emotionally, and either gets homesick or can't take the stress anymore.  I've seen both happen, and these dudes were just taken away and gone as if they never existed.  I also had the displeasure of witnessing a fellow recruit in 2nd phase, have a nervous/mental breakdown in the squad bay.  He just started screaming & dropped down and flailed about like being possessed by a demon.  It took 3 DIs to hold him down, before the MPs & ambulance arrived...  Just keep your marbles intact, and you'll make it!
  • @Bob-ep2sv
    This guys sounds like Badger from Breaking Bad xD
  • @DudeinFL
    Seahawks should have ran the ball
  • @davidfrank2824
    Both of my son's both enlisted right out of high school and we were talking about this. There are four years apart in age and I was not worried about the youngest as much as I was my oldest. I explained to him that if he stand up and confesses to something he doesn't have to worry about me he needs to worry about being charged for lying on government forms. They both told me stories about the people who stood up during that time to never be seen again.
  • @yodagaming6913
    i'm on a bus right now headed to Fort Jackson! soooo nervous right now
  • @MikefromTexas1
    All this emphasis on Weed… what if you're a Cokehead?
  • I'm 17 years now and i've been thinking of joining for 2 years now, i want to do it because if i don't. it will be somethig i'll regret later on
  • @faethe000
    I wasn't impressed by Basic (army 1990). I wasn't homesick because my home life was crap. And the PT was cake because it was easier than the average wrestling practice by a mile. And a DS yelling at you when you know he can't even hit you is a LOT less stressful than an alcoholic dad doing it. No shame on people who found it hard, but I didn't. The only hard thing about the whole 8 weeks was staying awake.
  • @manfalls1521
    Can't join law enforcement if you have an arrest for marijuana, can't join the military...How do the courts expect you to contribute back to society? By being broke and a bum? The system is all sorts of messed up.
  • @theDudeOfDudes
    My #1 tip for not failing boot camp/basic/ect: Speak up if you're injured! I spent an entire year in Army Infantry basic because I injured my right foot and didn't say anything. Instead of speaking up when I realized I hurt myself, I did what I thought would be the 'tough' thing and pushed through what would end up being an enormous amount of pain. Once I realized my right foot was fucked I began favoring the left foot. I did this for about 4 weeks. This ended up with me having multiple broken bones in both feet and two fractured heels. My drill sergeant spotted my swollen ass feet as I was walking to the shower one night and flipped shit on me. I then got the gift of two walking casts and being put on a severely limited training profile and was told that there was no way I would graduate that cycle due to my injuries. I then spent the rest of that cycle as opfor/ammo detail. I went on to about 8 months of physical therapy and graduated a year after I started. So, moral of the story is: speak up if you truly think you're injured. A couple days/weeks on a medical profile or even a recycle is far better than really fucking yourself up and prolonging what should have been a small injury. And yes, I did go on to serve for 7 years as an infantryman and had only a few more foot problems. I still get the "Holy fuck, you spent a YEAR in basic?" comments. If I can do it for a year, anyone can do it for 14 weeks.
  • @gmoney9068
    "The Moment of Truth".......absolutely goddam right! Wow! You are spot-on, young man! I went thru MCRD San Diego in 1982 and YES! we lost a shit load of privates that day! Semper Fi and thanks for sharing.
  • @degen83
    i told my recruiter I had smoked weed and he said as long as I wasn't still doing it I could sign up, and even then they tried to recruit me pretty heavily.
  • @psych4680
    Favorite line from this video "And then everything goes downhill" the truest statement I've heard.
  • @sethsepulveda12
    ok guys, they wont kick you out if you smoked weed. they will kick you out if you have a fraudulent enlistment. so, tell your recruiter everything. simple as that.