How A Septic Tank Works: Septic Tank Treatment | Organica Biotech

Published 2020-08-20
Septic Tank maintenance is extremely crucial & can get cumbersome.

Organica Biotech's Bioclean Septic & Bioclean Septic Plus contains septic tank enzyme-producing bacteria that are capable of completely degrading fecal matter.

Septic tank cleaning products contain a consortium of septic tank enzymes. The use of chemical-based cleaners impacts the microflora in septic tanks thereby leading to ineffective septic tank cleaning. The regular addition of septic tank bacteria and enzymes helps recharge the tank with essential microbes that maintain a healthy septic tank.

The bacteria and enzymes in a septic tank maximize the degradation of fecal sludge thereby reducing the odor and clogging issues which helps boost your septic tank cleaning. It breaks down the waste and liquefies the sludge build-up in the septic tanks.

Bioclean Septic is a formulation that degrades fecal matter and is effective in septic tank cleaning. While Bioclean Septic Plus contains 5X power microbes that can degrade fecal matter and food waste.

Avoid the stinking smell of leaking septic tanks with the powerful solutions of Bioclean Septic and Bioclean Septic Plus from Organica Biotech. The microbial formulation degrades waste effectively and keeps the septic system healthy. Get to know more at:…

The beneficial bacteria recharge the tank & accelerate the natural process of sludge breakdown. Just one dosage every month clears the gunk in the plumbing system & reduces sludge accumulation in your tank. Regular maintenance with Bioclean Septic and Bioclean Septic Plus prevents septic tank failures.

To know more, visit:

Organica Biotech is brought to life to deliver Dr. Kamath’s vision of a sustainable future for the planet. Since 2004, our agriculture division has helped farmers tackle problems with responsible, sustainable bio-solutions.

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All Comments (21)
  • @vassiliss8506
    My septic tank has not been opened since about 1970. Seems like the microbes do a very good job!
  • Biggest problem people have with septic systems is not having enough water going through the system, Ive seen people divert grey water to their gardens, in theory it sounds good, but in practice it isnt, septic systems require water flow to keep them performing to a required level, or the tanks can fill up with solids and block the whole system, which would require more expense getting the tanks pumped out, another thing I would strongly consider to do, the water from your kitchen sink must/should pass through a Grease Trap to help stop as much grease and fats from reaching your septic tanks, as over time the grease and fats left unchecked will stop the drainage of the leach drains, hope this information is considered, I have owned houses with septic systems for the pass 40 years.
  • @Studio_Luvin
    So basically you have a tank full of pets you have to feed
  • I had a remarkably septic day a few years ago when the plumbers told me that a sewer pipe from my house was diverted to the the woods 250ft away . Suddenly the all bad smells made sense, my sewage was going down there for 1/2 year . I was mad at the previous owner for doing this instead fixing the problem with the septic system. Cost me $$$.
  • @yardleyj9391
    I recently learned that blending rotting tomatoes and dumping the sludge in the toilets provides good enzymes for digesting the solids. I have tried it, it got rid of the smell that was coming from the toilet.
  • @poochtuna9366
    I love the inspirational music along with the story of my fecal matter being described to be in an educational form.
  • This is my first time to know how sceptic tank works and I was so amazed haha... and it hasn't been touch since 1999.
  • @ward1117
    Also do not flush wipes. Even though it says flushable, they are not biodegradable, which means they will gather up causing clogs
  • @kmishy
    I've seen some people not able to fully clean septic tank by suction machine. There so much solid slugs left. In my opinion- if you have a septic tank for black water only, it will never cause problem. Once you start diverting soil, soap, surf, it will cause problems. Soil will never be decomposed and so settle down, secondly soap will kill enzyme/bacteria.
  • @kazj1728
    The audacity of municipalities charging resident homeowners property taxes without investing in public sewage treatment facilities or public water infrastructure is outrageous. I mean, where does the money go? Mayoral salaries and pensions? Ridiculous.
  • @SharkFishSF
    Just use 2 separate tanks, when one fills up, divert the inlet to the second tank. Over time, the first tank dries up and decomposes, and turns into fertiliser.
  • You should think about creating a brown gas collection system. The tank will make methane and co2. As long as you carefully siphon the gas you should have a safe supply of gas for cooking. Also the tank itself is a good way to fertilize your ground.
  • Our septic tank hasnt been touch since late 1980's....still fine until today.
  • @easemailboxes
    We have a throw disposal septic system on our property...... We shit in a bag and throw the bag in a spinning motion. Takes a bit of skill u don't want the bag to fling open mid or pre flight. At the back of the property it is piled up in a mound of bags..... we call it mud brick. We used to have a septic tank........ But it cracked the shits.
  • @oloem268
    What would be the ideal agent or ideal way to clean my toilet and bathtub so I don't kill the bacteria in the septic tank?
  • @paulwhat322
    If they multiply why do you need to add them every month?
  • After building the septic tank should we full it up with water first then start use
  • @KubanKevin
    When used and cared for properly, they never need to be opened/drained.
  • @moppypuppy781
    If I had one wish I would wish that everyone in the world had perfect plumbing.