SCOTUS rules against the homeless

Published 2024-06-28
Ruling means homeless can face fines for sleeping in public

All Comments (21)
  • Had a buddy down on his luck no drugs just lost job he wanted to be legal so he stayed at a shelter i went to donate food the homeless rushed are car and stole everything we had to fight them off his phone everything in my car gone and we were right there they started fighting us to get the goods and run off with them I said fuck this security did nothing I won’t be donating again
  • @ColemanCanna
    If most of the money states say they allocate to homelessness actually went to homelessness. A lot could be done to help folks. But everyone an their mother gets hired then end up draining out most of the money on pay.
  • @marlin3043
    Government can't fix the homeless problem.. but churches can
  • @moses4031
    Not the land of the free anymore but sure is the home of the morally bankrupt .
  • @ABCTest-bj3bd
    Your taxes pay for the Supreme Court and for the Congress, who will NEVER face homelessness or know what homelessness really means. Yet, the Supreme Court doesn't want to concern itself to decide on the merits of a case involving the homeless who, simply by existing, cannot help but fall asleep. The Supreme court would prefer to have cities, run by the most powerful, regulate homelessness, to drive them out of every place, to die. Many people who are homeless are either working, or were working, and became disabled through an injury or family tragedy. The Supreme Court has also effectively legalized bribery through political contributions as a result of the Citizen's United decision. What is the Supreme Court to me? It is only Corruption - not only from this decision
  • @nazur72
    So now all those homeless vets will be arrested and thrown in jail like trash? I wonder if that attorney general who lauded this decision served?
  • Did the Supreme Court ruling say that the homeless must be ticketed or that they could be if cities or law enforcement felt that it was necessary. For example should the government be blocked from ticketing 100s homeless camped in a public school, streets, etc.
  • Well the social workers should be working out in the streets putting them in housing authority, or a VOUCHER for a year
  • @deborahs.9389
    So being a citizen and freedom isn’t freedom $$$ Pricing out human rights in the name of lawful freedom $$$$
  • @PALM311
    They use the term ruled against the homeless because it would piss too many people off if they said they ruled for the taxpaying citizens.
  • @M.J.212
    According to the Bible, Christianity teaches that Christians should help the poor and treat them with compassion and justice. Some say that helping the poor is a religious duty and that those who do so are righteous and good. The Bible includes many verses that address how Christians should treat the poor, including: Deuteronomy 15:10 "Give generously to them and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to" Proverbs 19:17 "Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done" Proverbs 22:9 "The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor" Proverbs 31:9 "Defend the rights of the poor and needy" Proverbs 14:31 "Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God" Proverbs 22:22-23 "Do not exploit the poor because they are poor and do not crush the needy in court, for the Lord will take up their case and will exact life for life"
  • @M.J.212
    At least now they'll get 3 hots and a cot at the tax payers expense🤔
  • You putting the illegals in apartments why not help usa people
  • @roginutah
    Funny how enabling poor behaviour results in more poor behaviour. Need different kinds of support. That means actually finding solutions. Get thinking!
  • Rents are to high! Hence homeless !! Just because everyone raised rents does not mean it’s right!! Greedy landlords not taking section 8 tenants or evicting them even if they were paying there rent on time. Causes homeless!! Giving homeless a ticket is just stupid. Do you honestly think I most homelessness people were offered reasonable rent they would take it. Ticket are not the answer housing is the answer.Tiny homes, a lot nicer than a tent. Nicer to look at.
  • So people are going to be imprisoned because they're homeless? Maybe we strip them of citizenship and bus them to Mexico so they can cross the border and receive help?
  • @margot9373
    Instead of Bidet sending 200 billion dollars and 60 Billion to Illegal immigrants allowed entry to America, Bidet should provide funds to build shelters and rehab facilities in Ukraine and transitional work training for the American Homeless.