Basic Beginner Guide - YOMI Hustle Tutorial (Combos)

Published 2023-02-10

00:00 How to Win
00:14 Damage
00:26 Hitboxes and Hitstop
00:46 Hit Cancel
01:00 Hit Stun
01:36 Hitstun Decay
01:47 Counter Hit
02:09 Notes

To win your match you must take away all of your opponent’s health or have more when the match timer ends. If you have equal health, it will end in a draw.
You cannot win without lowering your opponent’s health.
To lower their health, you must deal damage. To deal damage, you must hit them with your arsenal of attacks. The more damage the better.

I won’t be breaking down how damage works in this video, just know that it depends on which attack you use and is affected by how many hits into a combo you are, how much health your opponent has, and if they are SAD. For now, just pay attention to the damage text and get a sense for it that way.

Attacks have active frames which have a hitbox attached to them. If you toggle show hitboxes, you will see these represented in red. If that hitbox touches your opponent's hurtbox, represented in yellow, your attack will hit them.

This will cause you and your opponent to be stuck in hitstop, usually only lasting a few frames.
Hitstop will freeze you in place, but everything else moves as normal. In some cases you can put your opponent into hitstop without being in it yourself by using something like a projectile.

After most attacks, once the hitstop ends, you become actionable without needing to finish your remaining frames. Starting a new action in the middle of your attack like this is called a hit cancel.
What actions you have available with a hit cancel depends on the attack you hit with, with some attacks having little or no hit cancel options.

Your opponent however, will not be able to hit cancel once the hitstop ends, but is instead affected by hitstun.
Being in hitstun means that you are not actionable until the hitstun frames end. The exact number of frames varies dramatically depending on the attack used.

If your opponent will be in hitstun for 11 frames, then that’s how long you have to hit them again before they are actionable. Landing a new attack will apply hitstop and hitstun again, and if you’ve done this before the first attack’s hitstun ended you are performing a combo.

However, applying new hitstun frames to your opponent will not stack with the previous hitstun. If your first attack applied 40 frames of hitstun, but followed with a new attack applying 10 frames, their hitstun will last 10 more frames.

In some cases an aerial opponent touching the ground can cut their hitstun short.
There’s also hitstun decay, which reduces the amount of hitstun frames melee attacks apply by 1 each time that attack is used during the same combo. This can only reduce the hitstun to half of the original amount and it resets when the combo ends.

Hitstun and hitstop can be affected at the beginning of the combo as well if you land a counter hit, which involves hitting your opponent while they perform their own attack. To do this, begin an attack on the same frame or earlier than your opponent's attack began. If you hit them, they will experience more hitstop frames than you and have extra hitstun applied to them afterwards.

Check your frame advantage to get a sense for how much hitstun your attacks are giving and find a sequence of to build your own combos.

Tags: yomi hustle your only move is hustle ivy sly ivysly ninja cowboy wizard robot
tutorial guide how to play help how start beginner noob learn
indie game fgc fighting game community stickman steam
combo hitstun hitstop hit cancel counter hit timer damage sad health hitbox hurtbox hit decay

All Comments (13)
  • Do more of these! Preferably one for each character. The biggest issue with this game is that there is no tutorials. Meaning someone who is a noob to fighting games as a whole will just get frustrated and leave. I understand this is a game directed towards veterans of other fighting games, but a tutorial will greatly help this games reach.
  • Very comprehensive. This game is basically my first intro to fighting games and this guide made a lot of things clear
  • @nahnvm8493
    A lot of info in a short video. Definitely had to rewind about 20 times but still faster than any other source
  • You're so good at explaining this stuff, whenever someone asks how to play the game I'm just going to refer them to your channel. Can you please do an explanation of DI? When I try to explain it no one is getting it lol
  • @aeit999
    Hitstop, ye now I remember why I refinded this simolator. You enter lobby and then you eatch as someone 1combo you to death
  • @cgillis3989
    These tutorials are just like the game- too fast and complex for my brain to keep up with :P