Why do we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day if we aren’t Irish? ☘️

Published 2024-03-17
Having awareness and bringing awareness are two ways that one will be able to understand one another.

How we can understand one another is through uncomfortable conversations.

I have been learning to get comfortable getting uncomfortable.

Having uncomfortable conversations opens up a window of understanding one's cultural differences which allows unity to form.

Uncomfortable conversations allow us to grow and understand one another.

Always research and question the meaning behind things.

Question what you are celebrating and not just celebrate it because it is on a calendar or because everyone else around you is doing it.

Just because you may celebrate a holiday doesn’t necessarily mean everyone will.

Growing up in a predominantly white area I was not taught the real meaning behind a lot of holidays that were commonly celebrated on the calendar.

I just went along with it because I did not know any better. This continued into my early 20s.

Like most people in their college years, I would go out to clubs/bars celebrating this holiday for validation being naive to what was really the real meaning behind St. Patrick's Day.

Now in my early 30s like a lot of African Americans who are becoming more consciously aware, I am not participating in St. Patrick's Day because we have become more consciously aware that St. Patrick's Day is the celebration of St. Patrick committing genocide on Africans and his own people.

It feels weird to celebrate a holiday that has no relation to my true heritage.

As an African American who was born in a predominately white environment, I wasn't aware of my own African American history let alone being naive to celebrating holidays that don't relate to my own heritage.

I highly doubt Irish people are celebrating Black History Month, Cinco de Mayo, or Kwanza just to name a few.

Now I am wondering:
Do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
If so, do you know the meaning behind the holiday?
Are you just celebrating it because it is on the calendar?
Do you find anything odd about celeb rating a holiday that has nothing to do with your own heritage?
Are you Irish?

I will end this with when you eliminate yourself from trying to seek approval from society by not trying to fit in and stay true to your real self the answers you seek will come to you.

I look forward to having more cultural commentary as such as this.

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