Season’s meme (remake) !read the desc if I know you personally!

Published 2020-10-05
So hi-
I posted this kinda late so you guys would see this when you wake up and stuff
But em-
I’m taking a break from everyone, I mean like I probably would barely talk to anyone and just do my own thing.
The reason is I want to find myself and escape from my past self.
I probably seem like a rude, selfish person to you guys and I don’t mean it
And I’ve realized it’s rubbed off on everyone I’ve known for a while, and I want to change that.
my humor sucks and I seem like such a bully to myself and others, and it’ll be hard for me to change with you guys by me, because
Knowing a lot of you, stay in the past and I hate that, a lot of you are depressing and I want to be happy
You can never have the perfect friendships of the dream team of killua and gon but I want something like that, not some friend group
Who comes online just to tell everyone how much they suck, because all of you are totally better then me in every way possible and deserve
Everything I have (yes this includes Jason 🙄) but it just makes me feel bad about my self and I can’t do it anymore, this doesn’t mean everyone who I hang out with is like this but everyone who I hang out with stays in the past and doesn’t budge, I want people who move on and enjoys life,
Message me on discord or anywhere if anything because you all are still my wonderful friends I just hate the toxicness, and you’re probably like” oh
I didn’t know we where toxic 🙄, you’re a bad friend for saying that!” but I mean it’s true, nobody wants to hear you come online just to talk about
How you’re life is so horrible, and I mean I do that sometimes to but I want to change and I know a lot of you won’t so this is me,
I’ll probably still post and do my Magic’s but I need time to find myself and stuff, my family life hasn’t been going well and I just need out,
I’m done for the night✌️
also I don’t want you’re sympathetic comments like “oh I understand don’t worry “ because do you really? Or are you just as confused as me walking into this?or are you lying to my face? Anyways ✌️

All Comments (2)
  • @kars4009
    I really appreciate you telling us how you feel, and with that I'm going to try and change to be a better person aswell