The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Published 2017-01-18
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A pioneering self-help bestseller, this guide has now been revised to reflect breakthrough findings on the force of positive thinking. Dr. Murphy combines ancient spiritual wisdom with cutting-edge scientific research to illuminate the integral connection between thoughts and one's daily quality of living.

All Comments (21)
  • @Tallcupofcoco
    I wanted to test this so every day when I went to the bathroom at work, I meditated briefly and imagined working from home in stress free environment. Fast forward to 30 days later, I received a text from my brother who is in nursing school in the Caribbean. He told me his old boss texted him asking about me and wondering if I was interested in switching jobs but keeping the same position. I would be working mostly from home! I literally cried. I was at the gym one day and decided and chose the locker number that matched the dollar amount I wanted to be paid WHEN I got the job. I passed the interview process and accepted the position, I was started at the exact amount I chose when I was at the gym locker room! This is so powerful and has literally changed my life. I live in harmony and constantly attracting who I am. We have the power, just believe. ✨🙏🏽😊
  • If you are reading this, please realize that you are in the right direction towards englightment. You are the chosen one. You are vey special. You are strong. You are a beautiful soul. We are glad that you are here with u
  • @j.7232
    Imagine teaching this to children in their youth. The kids aren't heavily programmed yet by the system. They still have neuroplasticity and aren't stubborn and close-minded. Please everyone who listened to this audiobook and who knows the knowledge - teach it to as many people as you can. It will make a tremendous change in our global society!! Have a great day :)
  • "What you consciously affirm, you must not mentally deny a few moments later. This will neutralize the good you have affirmed." I loved this quote.
  • @uzeeent4602
    I read Think and Grow Rich. I read You Were Born Rich. I watched The Secret. I tried to understand what Mel Robbins, Bob Proctor and Tony Robbins trying to tell. I tried to understand what and how Law Of Attraction works. I tried 'positive thinking'. All these were jigsaw puzzles and felt really lost. I have a great business mentor, that kept telling me this. But, I COULDN'T UNDERSTAND. Until I listened to these study notes. NOW I can understand the theory and what all The Secret actors were talking about. These notes are like the last piece of the puzzle that suddenly, completed my arranging before. Now I know what and how to practice, with clear understanding. I replay and made my own notes. GOD bless you, Mr. Rodrigues.
  • @Starrynigh88
    Hats off to Jose there’s no ads and no paid commercials... just pure knowledge and relative conversation !! Thank you and I hope everyone’s positive energy helps you to progress more
  • @viklatu7806
    To speed up the healing process. Go directly to the resources that’s stored in your subconscious mind. Those are the operating programs you are using to create your problems. Change those memories into something good and you will automatically create from better resources from within. Go to every bad experience every bad event you have witnessed and remembered and change them to something good. You will heal yourself. Understand our problems are not problems they are successes. We are successfully creating from what we hold inside our subconscious mind. What are we holding? We are holding all our memories good and bad from birth to today with all the pictures, emotions, feeling, taste and sounds all taken at the moment it happened as a snap shot and are recorded in our subconscious mind. Those memories are your operating programs and they are alive, meaning you can still feel them when you remember. Change all the bad ones to good memories and you will heal your subconscious mind. In return heal your mind and body. Memories are not real.. so, it can be changed. Memories are just recordings of the real events. As we all know the past is gone and never coming back. We only live in the moment. The thing is our subconscious mind holds the recordings, and when we remember them it feels real. We can remember something that happened years ago or yesterday and we can feel it to be real at this moment. When we go back to a painful memory it still hurts. Right! Try it if you don’t believe me. Go to a bad memory and see how it feels. Bad right! But it’s not real because this is all going on in your head. The reason why you feel your memories is because the mind and the body are one. What you think about you feel. The body is an honest expression of the mind. For an example. Think of something funny and notice how you feel. Notice you feel funny in your body somewhere as you think of this funny thing. If you remember something bad that happened to you. Remember it and see it in your mind. As you go into the trance and the hypnosis of the memory notice how you feel. Notice where you feel it in your body. It’s not a good feeling. Right!! You feel it. You see what you do in your mind your body will make it real to you through the feelings. Problems starts as we experience life day to day from birth. These experiences are stored and used as references for operation, reactions and responses to the world. Internal processes. Subconscious or unconscious mind runs about 95% of our life. And it uses our memories as resources to navigate. It doesn’t know good or bad. It’s just a creative force that keeps creating from what it holds. You give your subconscious mind ✂️ scissors and it will cut up everything it sees. You give it good feelings and love and it just creates more of it. The quality of your life depends on what you hold inside your subconscious mind. Everything that you witnessed and experienced is stored and it becomes you. Change what’s stored in your mind and change your life. There’s no broken people only people who are successfully creating from what they hold from within their unconscious mind. If this makes sense to you look up Robert Smith creator of “Faster EFT” (emotional focused transformation) ✌️
  • This is gold. Whoever is here. I wish him/her good journey through life.
  • @xbrycemcx
    This is so much better to listen to than the audiobook that's on YouTube. Sometimes those narrators are really robotic. Thanks for doing this. Epic job well done.
  • I listened to this while sleeping, woke up and texted someone I have bitter animosity with. "Positive prevail over negative" Am happy. Truely happy
  • @sur3shot
    “Your inner speech, representing your silent thoughts and feelings, is experienced in the reactions of others towards you.” This line is heavy
  • @89DrFunk
    How this video has over 200 dislikes is beyond me. This information is GOLD and should be listened too every day along with the "Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale. Thanks for the video I have the book but this notes is better especially if I'm driving.
  • I was privileged to hear Dr. Murphy in person at the Ebel Theater on Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles for a number of Sundays. I still have the autographed copy of his book. I was a teenager then, but it made a huge impact on me and my mother. He was on the radio every morning M-F. It was broadcast from a small Glendale station. He was a Divine Science Minister. A couple of years after hearing him I joined a Science of Mind Church. I've been on that path ever since. I am now an Independent SOM Minister. Dr. Murphy had a part in that. What I know it that until someone is ready to change - they won't. Period. Those people will make up all kinds of 'explanations' as to why it didn't happen. They are unwilling to own their own experience. They try to blame everybody else for their disappointments. Truth is their ego has them in a death grip. Until we are willing to own every part of our lives and can see the correlation between what we think and feel and what we manifest in our lives, we will never change. But the second we do the entire Universe opens up to us.
  • @faithn8598
    These years I have been procrastinating my goals in life, doing things to the minimum yet at the same time stressing myself out and constantly complaining about life. Chasing idols was also a big part of my life. Having came across this book during circuit breaker, it felt like a light bulb moment.This is my life I am talking about. I am going to live my own life, be the lead in your drama and reprogramming my subconscious mind. Thank you for summarising the book and incorporating many insightful thoughts! :) May everyone who read this be blessed!
  • First of all I would like to say that I’ve been listening to quite a bit of these videos and really have gotten great value out of them. The specific comment I have today is that I have been listening to the strangest secret by Earl Nightingale. it is recommended in this video. The challenge is to listen to it for 30 days. I am now on day seven. It is incredibly amazing how much of a breakthrough this is because I have ADHD and that means for me no consistency whatsoever. The thing I want to say the most is that by listening to this over and over, and again I’m on day seven I hear things that I never heard before when I listen to it. I would challenge anyone reading this to try that 30 day challenge and find their own goal to focus on. Go for it!
  • @Dandydon51
    I use the prayers on page 38 and page 50. If you pray with these prayers 3 times a day for 5 or 10 minutes each time you can alter your life for the better! Dr.Murphy knew exactly what he was talking about in this book! Also,Barbara Lammi below has some great advice on healing or doing whatever you want to change in your life!
  • I listen to your videos every single day first thing as I put on my makeup and get ready for my day... then during my drive, 2hours to get to my amazing job, I listen to you as well🤗🤗... then on my way back, another 2hours, more listening. I love it!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • I love that you made this video over 3 years ago and I’m hearing it now, it makes me think of how many people you have helped and how many more you will help for a very long time. What a blessing. Thank you Joseph ❤️
  • I'm 15.. and I felt a big wave of positive energy going through me. Amazing! Great job and thanks so much!!!