Jack Skellington VS Oogie Boogie

Published 2006-11-26
*Edit* I posted this video like 3 centuries ago and this was back when I was 14 and thought I was cool making a lame ass intro so if the beginning grinds your gears first skip to 0.16. Then acquire a time machine and go back 12 years and give past CrazyBlonde13 a smack. Enjoy the rest of your day and drive safely.

My fav part of the Nightmare Before Christmas

All Comments (21)
  • @537monster
    I love the way Jack moves. He goes from crawling like a spider to walking like a gentleman throughout the whole scene.
  • "How DARE you treat my friends so SHAMEFULLY?!" ...and THAT, friends, is why Jack is the Pumpkin King.
  • @arbytv5139
    Even when Jack is SUPREMELY pissed, he still retains his sense of gentlemanly class. This is most evident when he pulls Oogie’s thread and says, “How dare you treat my friends so SHAMEFULLY!” Just another reason why the pumpkin king is AWESOME to the max!
  • @evilemperordude
    I love how Jack isn't the slightest bit intimidated by Oogie.
  • @Thebluedud
    You never really see Jack in action during the movie, but from the way Oogie basically shits a brick at seeing him, you know the guy must mean business.
  • @mrsnatural2368
    I love how EFFORTLESSLY Jack moves through the traps. Emphasises his badass and how absolutely furious he is.
  • @lizzytheowl577
    This scene is pretty interesting for multiple reasons: 1)It's the only fight scene in the whole movie. 2)You don't realize until this moment that Jack is a good fighter. Seriously, he wasn't even phased by any of Oogie's attacks. The platform they're on starts rotating? No problem. Swords come out of panels and start wildly slashing around? Pretty much extreme limbo. 3 robots firing guns at him? Just walk on top of the guns. It is downright scary how fast Jack adapts without even breaking a sweat. Not to mention Oogie was freaked out before Jack actually landed an attack (Or more accurately got a hold of his threads), meaning it's probably common knowledge that Jack is that good. 3)It's cannon that in the Nightmare Before Christmas universe that Santa killed a man with Jack's help. 4)We have actual proof that throughout this whole movie Jack was OP compared to everyone else, yet he preferred to be nice to most people and was interested in more academic studies. So, what happened? Was he always like this or was he just a lot more violent when he was younger and just grew out of it/got bored? I don't think a lot of people realize that if they tried to fight Jack he'd probably be able to kill them very quickly.
  • It's ironic how Oogie Boogie is a master of creating fear in others, yet he himself is a complete coward.
  • @pipe_her1544
    go jack! "how dare you treat my friends so shamefully?!" proceeds to skin said person alive well damn ok jack
  • @bazooka2476
    I love that , the moment he hears Sally's scream he turns from worried to murder
  • @soulknight5330
    The fact that they managed to animate Oogie-Boogie so smoothly, even though he was the hardest puppet to move around and in 12 FPS for that matter, deserves at least a bit of respect
  • Let's take a moment to appreciate the fact,in the span of five seconds, Jack saved Sally and Santa,got them to safety,AND decided to just,get on the metal table and have the suavest of poses a skeleton can manage and just casually go "Hello Oogie."
  • @Wanderingsage7
    "They said you were dead!" Jack: ...Well, they weren't wrong.
  • @freebird264
    Jack is kinda like Doctor Who in the regards that he's a beloved charismatic gentlemanly figure, but when the chips are down, he's outright terrifying to be in a fight with.
  • @cdsatcher
    For everything Jack is able to do, it can all be explained simply with who he is- he is the King of Halloween. He moves like a spider because arachnophobia is an extremely common phobia, one that he most likely uses to scare countless people who are terrified of spiders. Him suddenly appearing on the metal table, managing to save Santa and Sally so quickly? He's the King of Halloween. That's how he can perform a sudden jumpscare. Jack Skellington is the King of Halloween for a very good reason, and this scene shows that perfectly.
  • @Solo_Sessums
    you know what would have been a great line? if after oogie said "I thought you were dead" Jack just went "oh you noticed? I'm flattered."
  • @domidium
    2:16 Ignoring the imagery for a moment and just listening, you can really hear Jack's boiling anger coming out. He's normally so composed, its actually scary to hear him getting legitimately angry here.
  • @panda_cute8856
    I love how Jack walks on the guns so easily he’s like “Yeah I do this every Wednesday no big deal” 💀