3 Women Men Should Avoid Dating or Marrying

Published 2015-12-17
What kind of women do you want to avoid dating or marrying? Here are the 3 Types of Toxic Woman You NEVER Want To Date, or Marry.

1) Women with Daddy issues
2) Women that need to be saved
3) Women constantly fighting with their ex over money/custody

If there are any other types of women you have dated that you suggest others avoid, please leave a comment below.

All Comments (20)
  • @bitcapone3173
    Rich - Learn from my experiences Me - she has all 3 red flags but let me see what happens. Me 10 months later - Rich is right
  • @PunkProfess0r
    My wife’s dad left when she was 9 and as a result she has always craved attention from males. Been married for 13 years and she is filing fir divorce. When it comes down to it, she would rather go dancing or whatever and get that superficial male attention that she desperately “needs”. We’ve got two little ones. But society has been surprisingly supportive of her behavior and very critical of me. I feel dead inside. My heart feels like it’s going to collapse on itself. I’m just so sad.
  • @hansenbee123
    Lets stop beating ourselves up over what mistakes we made picking significant others, and just realize we LEARNED from the mistakes. Stay strong guys!
  • @kenrehill8775
    I’ve been too attracted to women who need saving, it’s been the most expensive and tiring ten years of my life. Single for 18 months and way happier.
  • @purplemoose6431
    This would have been very useful information 15 years ago. Will pass this on to my son
  • @ssh4761
    First of all, I am a woman. I am writing this to the females of our species (especially radical feminists) that are currently screaming in rage after watching this video: My dear fellow females, I 100% agree with what this guy says. What ya'll are misunderstanding is that having daddy issues/custody problems/etc is not indicative of you being a bad person. This man is not saying that. What he IS saying, however, is that you have unresolved issues in your life (not necessarily your fault) and a wise man would not want to be involved in that. And I believe that is a wise decision to make, because the issues in your life are going to affect the man you are dating as well. Please understand.
  • The first and easiest step men can take to improve their lives is to boycott companies who engage in male-bashing advertising such as Gillette and Nissan USA.
  • @delunk5906
    Stuff like this should be a high school class for guys. Had to learn this shit the hard way.
  • I've been married for over 40 years.the problem I see in most relationships today is that each person is looking at what they are getting out of it instead of what they can give.good luck with that.
  • This is a must watch. After being in 2 relationships post divorce I finally realized that most women have daddy issues. I’m 50 years old...I dated women my age and they still had these issues lingering. I’m sending this video to my 24 year old son
    This is so true my ex had daddy issues and I was constantly drained because she always had the victim mentality and didn't have initiative to do something for herself.
  • @lowercherty
    Three women you should avoid dating or marrying; Those 25 and under, those between 25 and 40, and those 40 and over.
  • Women that are always on their phone. Obsession of finding someone new. Women that have to always have attention from other men
  • Always ignored the red flags. I just wanted to hit it. After two failed marriages I met this woman at my job who had a lot of red flags but I was so infatuated I didn't care. Been married for 22 years and she's solid gold.
  • I've been married to woman#1"daddy issues" for 27 years and as of this moment we are separating. The point about not seeing value in the man and how is transpires into the marriage is spot on!
  • @g4tnewnewg4t48
    I've noticed the daddy issue ones, tend to positively view her father, though he wasn't a good father, and compare you to the false impression and you'll never meet the standards.