Homemade Way to Kill Roaches

Published 2012-08-18
I got a little fed up with paying the bug guy X amount of dollars to come spray for these pesky critters, because they kept coming back. Maybe he wasn't spraying enough poison; maybe my place is beyond infestation; but, whatever the case, I found this homemade remedy that seems to work well!

Equal parts of: Baking soda, sugar, and water. Mix; spread in areas where you have seen the roaches; watch them suffer.

I used 1/4 cup of the baking soda, sugar and water, but felt it was a little thin. So, I added an additional tablespoon of the sugar and baking soda - perfect. You want the thickness to be a little thinner than lotion.

All Comments (21)
  • @ornn6177
    6 years and i'm still waiting for my dad to come back when the constancy is right
  • @OnyxVixen21
    what I've been told is once the mixture thickens out you have to roll it into little balls, placing them in areas where roaches tend to be (under the fridge, under the stove, cabinets, etc.) not sure how long it takes to wipe em out but there is a guy that lives in my complex and swears by it. says that's how he got rid of the roaches in his unit and they haven't been back since. hopes this helps solve the nonexistent part 2 of the steps!
  • @ligame2
    the roaches got him first... R.I.P
  • I read on Google about this concoction. Mix together equal parts of baking soda and sugar and sprinkle it in high traffic areas where you've seen roaches. For me the worst places I've seen them are in the kitchen. I put mine under the fridge. I watched a medium sized roach go in and eat then he died. 😂💥 Such a mad scientist.. killing some roaches.
  • @TableTennis-Man
    the video stops because he was attack by armies of cockroaches from behind
  • @karenbcz22
    I HATE THAT.  WHEN PPL DO VIDEOS AND SAY THEY"LL BE BACK >>> AND NEVER COME BACK. So WTF are we supposed to do with a CUP of that shit?
  • @jadepokwang7972
    i tried it and its effective, when u mixed it all and make a paste you roll it and make a pea size or small balls and place it in the corners, near the trash cans,and other areas where you know the cockroach are hiding then leave it , after 3 days to 1 week you will notice some are dead and they disappeared ...... atlast my cockroach problem was gone..... tnx for sharing your video and make your part 2 to finished it so everyone can understand and be useful to them also.
  • @tbirdandbigal
    I'm pretty sure I just learned how to FEED cockroaches.
  • @kishornatu7877
    I put baking soda and sugar mixed together, and put on kitchen top. Cockroaches don't come but not seen any dead. Clean the top in the morning. Can use the mixture for 8-10 days.
  • @PorcheGardener
    if you read the video description he says to spread the mix where ever the roaches are showing up. They eat it then die
  • @Countess559
    This shit didn't work on my roaches. I only attracted more and they were dancing around the bait like they were hippys high on drugs in front of a fire singing...."weeee are the chaaammpiions...wearrreee the champions...."
  • @Bobjb999
    I had a recurring cockroach problem for months, and tried various bait/poison recipes. I didn't actually try this one with baking soda + sugar, but tried 50/50 borax powder + sugar. The sugar bait was a FAIL. 50/50 borax + all natural smooth peanut butter (100% peanuts) worked better, but that bait soon dries,turns rock hard & stops working. Too much peanut butter. The WINNING FORMULA that eliminated bugs in my apt. was: 2 PARTS BORAX + 1 PART natural PEANUT BUTTER . Mixed thoroughly, it gives a bait that stays soft and crumbly, roaches eat, & die from. It's kept my apt. 100% bug free for 3.5 weeks, so far.
  • @erikyoung2851
    if he come back with some flour and a cake pan, I'm done!
  • @umerien
    Wtf! How do we apply this shit? I mean make a sandwich or serve in a bowl?
  • @clevetta64
    one thing is for sure. Listening to everyone s responses has sure put laughter back in my use to be heavy heart. thanks for your great responses. i could finish his video for him if you'd like. I put water in a squirt bottle and a squeeze of dishsoap oh and a little bit or alot of bleach(depending on how fast you want them dead). believe me its a constant battle. sometimes i get some with cocky attitudes and think theyve got one up on me. (oh here we go again..lets go get our survival mask on) but i show them whos boss.