Fears of Over-Masculinizing on Testosterone

Published 2022-01-26

All Comments (15)
  • @spacekidfamily
    The need to try to know is so true. Lately I've taken a couple steps back from feeling confident about my trans identity. It's maybe because the thought of going through top surgery and bottom surgery seems too much in the future (I havent even started t and i really want to.) You reminded me that going through transition is not binary and we can each do what fits us best. As I am writing this, i realize that I had fear in needing to explain myself to others with a "easy to understand" transition story, especially to my family. Like it feels like they would understand, "im a guy and ive always been a guy" vs "i would like to be on t to see if this is for me" I care too much about what they think and it's been so hard. Thank you for this video! -a viewer from korea
  • @usfilms8828
    I want my experience with T to be a conversation. Figuring out that you can just stop if you want is really relieving. I know I need change so I’m committed to trying but I’m glad that the changes are on a spectrum just like my gender haha not a switch but a process.
  • @oikaaji6852
    thank you for sharing your experiences. i have a lot of the similar fears you're expressed, and it's nice to know i'm not the only one struggling with them. "the days of feeling of bad outweighs the good" is something that really resonated with me.
  • @superdrwholock
    I enjoy your unique perspective :) I'm a trans guy, not on T yet but I really want to be, in the UK the waiting lists are years long. Do get nervous about how it'll affect my singing, if I'll go bald etc, the normal stuff (my friend who's cis said he had the same fears when he started puberty because his dad went bald quite early) but I know I can always go off it. Like you said with the stigma, it's damaging, I do believe that less people would end up detransitioning (as in socially too not just going off hormones) if it wasn't so stigmatized because they'd be able to stop when they realize it's not right for them. We need to realize that it's ok to question yourself, you're not a burden for changing your mind if you do. Do what's right for you and what makes you comfortable and happy, whether that's going on hormones, not going on them, stopping them, having or not having surgeries, wearing what clothes you want etc.
  • @natsnow779
    Seriously thank you for sharing your experience and journey! I was so relieved to find your first video bc you expressed similar concerns to what I had and it’s really helped to have that perspective. I’m starting low dose right now and everything you say in this video is so very true!
  • @GuellouzShems
    I felt you with the name thing. I don't want to change it, because I don't need to, but I'm anxious about how other people will view me.... which actually doesn't matter but... you know
  • @epps3777
    Thank you so much for sharing. It's definitely a relief to find someone who's feeling very similar to how I feel. This video is the first of MANY (that I've found) regarding low dose, that addresses so much of what I think about on a daily basis.... So much appreciated ❤️🌈
  • You literally helped me so much on deciding what I want to do with going on t. Thank you 💕💕
  • @remysbasement
    You seem like such a cool and chill person to be around. Very down-to-earth. 💛 And also congrats on the new job! What did you get accepted to?
  • it'll be awesome when your uterus FUSES and you get sepsis. awesome. really cool. great, empowering feeling - totally smart. and you can't help it at all. you gotta do what you gotta do - change your SEX. uh huh. go for it! have fun!!!