An End To The Madness?

Published 2021-01-21

All Comments (17)
  • @deesevrin8570
    There's that man I subscribed to hear! Good to have you back and thank you so very much for taking a first step and encouraging others to do the same. Strangely enough, the one thing that I see which stands most opposed to an end of this madness might be our unifier. Biden and the MSM are each making troubling moves under the cloak of anti domestic terror - something that smells more than a little like a "War on domestic terror" with a splash of "cultural revolution" if I may be so bold. If history has taught me anything it is that these sorts of movements, once they get going, aren't going to stop after they've dealt with their initial target. How long until we see the libertarians and the populists join forces with the communists and the progressives in solidarity against a state which not only does not serve them but is now hunting them down, be that ideologically or (perish the thought) physically? It will certainly get a lot worse before it gets better should this occur but maybe, just maybe it could lead to this unification of which you speak. Anyone wanna take bets on how long the capital is going to remain an armoured fortress?
  • Great snippet man. You always make really well thought out observations
  • @osamitsu
    i agree. It would be nice, but due to the very nature of own system, this idea will only remain an idea. our system is broken. nothing else to do then to survive and see what's left of it.
  • Progress, I'm proud of you. Notice my underhanded comment, something we both need to work on it seems. ;) There are a couple things where I may get back to you at later date, with a another post. Eg. There are not large portions of the "right" that are white nationalists in the US, some misguided views (As is the case on the "left") but, this is a mountain out of a molehill issue in the US, dude.
  • @PureCarbon
    I'm going to remake that thumbnail for you so it will fit YouTube.
  • @kungfujoe2136
    i see 2 reasons for all this madness the comming economic crysis (the ppl in power are getting nervous and the rest is getting nervous) and jealousy of the chinees "system" ppl in power are gonna keep pushing and ppl are gonna keep reacting the only thing that 'll stop that is if there's nothing to fight over or a better future sinds those things are not gonna happen ppl in charge gonna lie and the servants are gonna keep getting distrustful
  • @AxleKlown
    I am not one of the Q people I was before Trump more of a libertarian center right one but still. During Trump I supported him because I actually thought he could make a meaningful difference to the system I see as far left socialist in nature Now after felling betrayed I hate the entire establishment both left and right I am about 2 steps away from being a full ancap at this point. I will never support more leftist causes like on demand free abortions nor simply just focusing on unarmed blacks being killed by police . Tackle all unjustified killings by police from unarmed people to even dogs shot by cops hold bad cops accountable for their actions same goes for federal agents . I will not support things like UBI or single payer healthcare / Obamacare. I do support upholding the constitution in full . I am a first Amendment and Second Amendment absolutist neither should be infringed be that online or off in terms of speech on social media sites or sale of firearm/ accessories' on web merchant platforms . I am fine with letting banks fail if they fuck up long as the people who had their money in said bank are taken care of ... No I do not care how rich or poor they are / were . Their money should be compensated back to them. Yes bring all our Troops home close most if not all military bases in other nations where possible . No more America plays world police . Yes invest in new tech for renewable energy . I still do see what I deem leftist as a existential threat to our nation maybe we need a civil war to blow off the top of the system so we can settle our differences as people and American and become a proud nation again. I see no good coming from Biden or Harris having that power right now / for next 4 years .
  • @tykehotep2865
    I think Q-Anon will be a learning curve for a lot of right minded people. Take Charity for instance it as a lot of similarities to Q, let me explain Caring people donate to charities because they want to help thus the Charities without fail put out advertisement campaigns before Christmas asking for just £5 week you can make sure Children in Africa can have clean water Kittens will be found homes and the homeless will be fed When in actual fact out of that £5 only 10% of that money goes to the needy and the rest goes to pay the Charities CEO's £179.000 annual Salaries Adim costs and various other salaries costs and fees. And that is what I mean it was a huge grift and some people will have made a lot of money out of Q and the kind hearts of well meaning if a more than just a little gullible people. I mean take David Icke for Instance he must have made a fucking fortune out of his ridiculous Books which if you ever see an interview of his, he must at least mention one of his book titles every forth sentence he utters. I hope this makes sense as if not I must be quite quite mad lol
  • How many of us Trump supporters have you actually talked to from the interior? Doesn't sound like you've talked to many.
  • @anime-mun
    I need to talk to you one on one soon. I'm working on something big and positive that I think you'd get a kick out of.
  • @shardinhand1243
    antifa are to blaim for trump winning, and i still support what trump supported, america being put first and support for the middle and lower class, trump did genuinly good things, and he was and may still be the better candidate. time witll tell is joe can handle things.