Our Lady of Kibeho and the Rwandan Genocide - Jimmy Akin's Mysterious World

Published 2022-02-11
In 1983, seers at Kibeho, Rwanda, received visions of a barbaric conflict and in the 1990s, almost 1 million people died in the genocide. Then in 2001, the apparitions received official Church approval. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at what happened, which visions were genuine, and their significance for us today.


Further Resources:
• Amagara Marungi: www.amagaramarungi.org/
• Immaculee Ilibagiza’s book Our Lady of Kibeho: amzn.to/2ZBp7BJ
• Immaculee Ilibagiza’s book Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust: amzn.to/3zaIuiD
• Philip Gourevitch’s book We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families: Stories from Rwanda: amzn.to/30RmsVB
• Bishop’s Declaration (full text): kibeho-sanctuary.com/en/kibeho-media/archives.html
• Vatican document on evaluating private revelations: www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/do…
• Miracle Hunter page on the apparitions: www.miraclehunter.com/marian_apparitions/approved_…
• Messages of Kibeho: www.miraclehunter.com/marian_apparitions/messages/…
• Summary of bishop’s approval of apparition: www.miraclehunter.com/marian_apparitions/statement…
• More of bishop’s declaration: www.kibeho-cana.org/mary-mother-of-the-world/
• Our Lady of Kibeho: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Lady_of_Kibeho
• Short video on the apparitions:    • Marian Aparitions in Kibeho, Rwanda  
• 1994 Rwandan genocide: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide
• Seven Sorrows Rosary (background): en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosary_of_the_Seven_Sorrows
• Seven Sorrows Rosary (devotional guide): www.immaculee.com/pages/7-sorrows-rosary-prayer
• Rwandan Revolution: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Revolution
• Rwandan Civil War: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_Civil_War
• Rwandan Genocide: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rwandan_genocide
• Juvenal Habyarimana: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juv%C3%A9nal_Habyarimana

• Mysterious Headlines:
• Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World Map: www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/edit?hl=en&mid=1xE5ergas…

All Comments (21)
  • Poor Marie Claire... the "bully" turned holy lost her life in the genocide! She is a martyr in my opinion. Her conversion story is beautiful. Powerful. Thank you for your show. Very interesting.
  • @ericgatera7149
    Thank you Jimmy for this informative video. Allow me to make a nuanced correction though, speaking as a Rwandan. In minutes 16:43, the question was asked, "who was doing the killing?" refering to the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, you answered "both side". Actually your answer may lead people to misunderstand what was actually happening. The killing were done (performed) by the 'hutu extremists' (mostly Interahamwe) against 'Tutsi' and 'sympathetic hutu' who were protecting 'Tutsi', hence the name "Genocide against Tutsi" and not the Rwandan genocide (which may lead people to miss the point on who were the targeted victims for extermination, which was 'Tutsi' specifically and not the Rwandans in general). Beside this thorny point, i love your presentation and summary conclusion. Thank you.
  • @marijusp
    Hi Jimmy, I suggest you to consider mysterious place from Lithuania - Hill of Crosses. It is quite a remarkable Catholic holy place. There are various legends and tales about this place, including haunting and stories about unexpected deaths of people involved in attempts to destroy this holly place in the times of Soviet occupation.
  • (If you read my feedback on the podcast, I suggest referring to me as He Who Must Not Be Named On A Family Podcast) I enjoy listening to Mysterious World every week. The episodes on Marian apparitions are among my favorite. I'm Eastern Orthodox, but currently attend my local Catholic parish because I cannot get to my Orthodox one. Your explanations help me better understand what the Catholic Church believes and doesn't believe about apparitions, and I appreciate then you are frank about the facts, and thus frankly state why an unapproved apparition is unapproved. You handled the Fatima matter well, so that your explanation was not offensive to Eastern Orthodox Christians, many of whom resent the way Catholics generally present Fatima, forgetting that the Eastern Orthodox have been there the whole time and suffered under Russian Communism. Let us pray earnestly for the reunion of our Churches. P.S. We need a complete list of every book Jimmy Akin owns. I need more suggestions for my library, even though I already own slightly over 4,000 physical books plus 7500-ish ebooks and audiobooks (there is some overlap, since I own some titles in two or all of those forms).
  • Listening to this in the aftermath of the Episcopal Consecration of Filipino priest Arnaldo Catalán upon his appointment as Apostolic Nuncio to Rwanda.
  • @krujuice
    This was fascinating to me, I had never studied this Apparition. My children and I pray the rosary together and we've spoken often about different apparitions, which I think help to reinforce our faith and let us know that God binds us together as one united family in the body of Christ. The visions in this one to me were reminiscent of Our Lady of Fatima. Thank you Dom and Jimmy, your continuing efforts are appreciated by us reverts and converts, showing us depths to our faith that are often neglected. Godspeed and God bless 🙏
  • @gijoe508
    I am also former PCA now Catholic, and I came from a young earth only background. I was afraid it undermined the rest of the Bible if you started interpreting portions of Genesis as not being literal facts. That problem goes away when you have a magisterium guided by the Holy Spirit interpreting the meaning of the Sacred Scriptures instead of it being up to the individual.
  • Jimmy and Dom-- This was one of your best-ever episodes and definitely my favorite 2nd part. I read "Our Lady of Kibeho" between the two episodes and I can't tell you how important your perspective was in putting the book in context. It's yet another reminder that getting more than one source on important and complex matters is vital! I felt uncomfortable when, while reading the book, the author told her cheating boyfriend that he needed to "apologize to Mary" and then, as an afterthought, "apologize to God," but she never really mentioned Confession. That moment, plus your extremely valuable information about the non-approved seers, reminded me that just because information is coming from an ardent Catholic who means well, it's not exempt from critical thinking. Thanks again!
  • Excellent pair of episodes! I've been curious about Our Lady of Kibeho for some time but haven't gotten around to reading Immaculee Ilibagiza's book. It's a really fascinating story. I especially found it touching that Marie Claire, who died in the genocide, had her life completely transformed by her encounter with Our Lady. Also, since today's episode is about a Marian apparition...Happy Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes! I'm curious how many other appearances you plan on covering in future episodes. My favorite is Our Lady of Guadalupe and I would love to hear Jimmy's take on the tilma. I sympathize deeply with Ian regarding his struggles with Genesis. That was me for so many years. I have a lot more peace about it now, but I think that if I had not become Catholic, I could easily have become disillusioned with my faith because of those questions.
  • Hi from Scotland, your show is great. I like the way it's presented too. Cool guys. God bless you both on your journey from a fellow Catholic in Scotland 🙏❤🤗👍
  • @rc3088
    Enjoyed this video very much. Thank you
  • @Pax-Christi
    Excellent episode Jimmy, God bless you and peace be with you!
  • @fishman6660
    I love love loved the comparison to parables when Jesus and the authors of the New Testament are speaking about it, especially, the first 11 chapters of Genesis. Puts things, once again, in better perspective. I'm becoming more and more convinced that Jimmy is a time lord. Just to have the time to research all of these topics is amazing! Jimmy and Dom, keep up the excellent work, and G-D bless!