Turning pairs of nucs into honey producers

Published 2024-06-17
Many ffolks have asked to see more about turning pairs of nucs into honey producers, well I had a lot of extra nucs to play with now so here goes! This is how I do it.

All Comments (9)
  • I've invested in double nucs like Michael Palmer resource hives. Fantastic resource hives and I get a good honey crop from them. Usually run them 4 over 4 and then qe and supers. Basically running a 2 queen hive. With the shared heat they overwinter great. If I had the $ I'd convert most of my operation to them.
  • I use this method alot .. this year honey flow was so heavy was impossible to make nucs without suppers on them right away.. only thing I'd add need to use mated queens so you requeen one side or sell a queen out of one side don't think you can just let them make a queen or give them a cell . I'll save your viewers the time... Could bust them apart and requeen with a cell but not pushed together..
  • Plastic qe will keep the queens from being able to cross over. I learned that the hard way with my double nucs. I don't like honey in brood frames, just a personal preference.
  • Thank you very much for the demonstration. Does it happen often that the bees will choose one queen and eliminate the other ?
  • @johniac7078
    MORE BEES!!!!! I always feel bad after I sell them......
  • What's funny is if one nuc is stronger than the other the bees work up and the 5 frames over the strong nuc will be capped and the other hardly touched. They seem to stay in their lane😅
  • @stuffnsuch631
    Aside from just not having the extra nuc box's, why not just make 5 frame honey supers to run on top of the nucs?
  • Hi - wouldn't it be normal 'professional' procedure to NOT put the brood boxes directly on the ground level? Wouldn't it just be right and healrthy for both your human workers and your bee colonies? At least 50 cm / 20 inches high cheap saw horse like stand? Less brood deseases, less risc of spinal disc herniation and such .. ????????