TIBETAN FLUTE MUSIC + OM CHANTING @432Hz ❯ Mantra Meditation Music

Published 2017-08-16

Hypnotic Tibetan Flute Music along with OM Mantra Chanting.

Copyright ⓒ 2017 Meditative Mind. All Right Reserved.

All Comments (21)
  • @ngoc3345
    This sound is so wonderful. The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness !
  • @kazesamurai8617
    Whenever I try to do something out of my comfort zone and end up not doing it, I always fell into depression. Then I’d be happy and motivated by thinking “im gonna change” and then the cycle would repeat itself, I’d get depressed. But I can truthfully say that once I listened to this and learnt about meditation and what not, I felt so empowered by strengthening my mind. And still to this day, meditation has helped me achieve many things. So to anyone who scrolls through the comments and sees this and is in the position I was in. Don’t give up, it will take time, but eventually you will arrive where you want to be 🙂
  • if you’re reading this, im happy you’re alive. i’m happy that we all get to experience this life together. it gets hard. it makes you question your purpose. you may even think that the world is better off without you. but you just seen my comment for a reason. this is your sign to keep pushing, because i know you were looking for one. your existence matters. keep going on your journey. it doesn’t end here❤️
  • Whoever is reading this, you deserve to be happy and loved, have a beautiful day, Namaste 🙏❤
  • “Rivers do not drink their own water; trees do not eat their own fruit; the sun does not shine on itself and flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. No matter how difficult it is…life is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you.
  • @tibetanflutedc
    To all who are tuning in, I have one message: "BELIEVE IN YOURSELF." You have the ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to. 💖 Keep moving forward, applause to your efforts! Make your parents proud and always remember: YOU ARE AMAZING. 😇 Heartfelt gratitude to this channel for sharing these inspiring words. 😊
  • You are not a drop in the Ocean You are an Entire Ocean in a Drop Rumi Beautiful Music!
  • whoever is reading this , just know that things will get better and I truly mean it by my heart 💗 have a good night 💫
  • @mnkybutt222
    I honestly think the reason sounds from nature sooth us, is that they are inside our hearts and souls all of the time, but get drowned out by the noise of the world. Thank you for allowing us to return home to our soul and natural state.😊💕
  • @chazbuck9330
    Must be nice to live away from all the corruption and media with its constant adverse-teasing. I lived in an all-glass house a mile high on a mountain in Costa Rica by myself for three years. So I got a small taste of peace and solitude. I'm in Seattle now and miss the mountain and all the tropical birds who came to see me every day. I played the frequency of 432 music and meditated all the time. Maybe thats why the birds liked me. I love the ancient cultures and their arts.
  • @TeraMangala
    There comes a certain point in life when you have to stop blaming other people for how you feel or the misfortunes in your life. You can't go through life obsessing about what might have been.
  • @Portmonet
    I'm having a very bad food poisoning. it's the middle of the night, i can't sleep because of it and tomorrow I need to work. It's slowly getting better and in trying to find comfort in this tibetan chant. Bless everyone. I wish you all and myself good health and happiness 💖
  • @Ymirson999
    Body like a mountain.Mind like the sky.Breathe like the wind.
  • @damien62630
    I am the architect of my life, I choose its contents, and I build its foundation. ! I am an infinite being. My potential for success is limitless. Life loves ME
  • @TheGiubani
    Back to the healthy side of youtube.. :)
  • @jasonzen7557
    damn this guy stood perfectly still for a whole hour
  • Happiness is that state when nothing is missing. When nothing is missing, your mind shuts down and your mind stops running into the future or running into the past to regret something or to plan something. Naval Ravikant 💖
  • @gautamsagar
    music has the power to heal the unseen emotional wound. music has the soothing power to clear the anxiety.
  • @Elizabethlc26
    I was suffering from anxiety the last two days. I was weak, nervous, scared... ungrounded.... 6 minutes into this while meditating and I felt strong again...grounded. I had lost connection with my roots. Thank u for this video this chant this vibe.