Ask the Doctor: How an NBA Star Handles Crohn's Disease

Published 2016-11-02
In this exclusive interview, Larry Nance Jr. of the Los Angeles Lakers talks about his Crohn's disease as he receives the treatment that lets him thrive as a pro athlete despite his chronic condition.

All Comments (21)
  • @bubaba8938
    crazy how someone with this disease can be a playing in NBA,it's a difficult condition
  • @jaydarivera4094
    People took his message the wrong way. He meant well. What he meant was to not let your disease control you, you should control it
  • I've had Crohn's disease for 3 years now I have lost my large intestine and have a colostomy bag the rest of my life I do Remicade treatments iron infusions and humaira shots this disease never goes away I spent 72 days in the hospital 23 days without eating 73 pound weight loss this disease is not a joke pray one day there is a cure
  • It's great to have positive role models like this! Thanks for speaking out on this, Larry! I will definitely have my son watch this!
  • @dcdenizen1275
    I have Crohn's and playing basketball is a huge part of my life (of course I don't play professionally but it's a very fun and therapeutic activity for me). I appreciate Larry sharing his experience.
  • @ronbryant7741
    Chrohns is painful everybody situation is differentmy prayers go out to everybody that's dealing with this disease on a daily basis may God continue to be with you and help you
  • @rik4369
    Thanks for sharing. I have had Crohns Dx for over 20 years. What Nance is doing is helping the younger people with this diagnosis have HOPE. I was diagnosed in my 30's, married and with a family. I could see how stress it could be for younger people that face so.many social challenges. If I may advise anyone, consider your diet and as Nance said " know what foods trigger your illness". Any doctor that says " just eat anything" is one you should stay away from. I have had a couple great doctors and they have respected my desire to go hard on the medications. I took one med and kept seeing it float in the stool, so I asked " why take it?". That was 10 years ago. I have my flares and have had two bowel surgeries ( earlier on). I am not buying all the medical doctors on YouTube with their cures for it. Even if you manage the symptoms , there are plenty other conditions that come along with the disease. Scar tissue in your bowel is an major unseen danger that can cause major health issues. In my opinion this is where diet plays a major role. The only thing know that works for me is Raw Aloe Vera blended in a clear liquid and ice. Everyones bodies are different and will react to treatments in diffferent ways. Do research and then do some more , as I had symptoms for years before I was diagnosed. Wish all well and KEEP YOUR HEAD UP !!!!! We need you back in LA Larry. Loved your dad's game too. Watch him win one ofnthe very first NBA Dunk Contest.
  • Not debilitating? Please take into consideration that there is not just ONE Crohn's Disease and everyone's course is the same. Everybody has a different case ranging from mild, moderate, to severe. But to say in the least that it is not debilitating?? Please tell that to the patient with a NG tube down their throat in order to receive nutrients to survive. Or to the patient who is so anemic, needing blood transfusions, so weak and fatigued they can't get out of bed? To the patient who has needed surgery after surgery, to only have been given the news there is nothing else they can do for them? It's great that you have achieved remission and can live a relatively normal life, but just take into consideration those that are not in remission before degrading other people's suffering.
  • @aliaharland6326
    Thanks so much for sharing Larry Nance's story. My son was diagnosed with Crohn's when he was 10. He is a hockey player and loved watching this. Thanks for the inspiration, and glad he is doing so well!
  • Excellent video. Loved the thought “have the condition work around YOUR schedule don’t bow down to it”
  • @morphixnet
    They only make stories from very successful and easily managed cases, what about showing someone who went through hell but is now in remission - that is real motivator for others.
  • I have UC and I was hospitalized before our first playoff game in high school and have been hospitalized several times since. It is extremely debilitating, u cannot eat what normal people eat, u have less energy, u can get severely dehydrated and lose tons of blood. In some cases intestines will have to be removed. These diseases cannot be “molded” around a schedule, when u have a flair up you are at the mercy of ur stomach. I’m sure he meant well but this wasn’t the right message to me.
  • @PsychicInsignia
    the disease is on a spectrum from. mild to severe, everyone is different. Let's not forget he gets premium medical care at Cedars, $$ you get the best care.
  • @x06beast
    Awesome, man. Pro cage fighter to bedridden here due to colitis. Keep inspiring.
  • For alot of ppl shooting down this message remember he is having a transfusion monthly..ive heard of it before and it seems to help alot of ppl..idk the exact info but alot of u should look into it
  • @sc4rles
    I have crowns disease and to hear other perspectives is awesome
  • I'm at a loss at this point, I've had crohn's for 5 years now I lost all muscle and fat I had built up since I was a gym rat. I've been hospitalized 6 times now and theres no light at the end of the tunnel. My doctors have never prescribed me any medication for crohns, the pain is constant and EXTREME torture every day of my life, I cant sleep because I have to constantly get up to shit my brains out 5 times a night but it's only ever diarrhea. I cant sit for more than 2 hours without my back aching forcing me to lay down because lack of muscle or strength because I lost 50 pounds and now I'm 6,2 120lbs, my ass hurts when I sit in a car or chair for more than 30 mins. I eat like a fucking horse sometimes upwards of 4K calories a day but cannot get past 120lbs no matter how much I eat and workout. My doctor tried to get me on infusions but my insurance denied it several times, my GI was livid and couldnt believe my extreme case was denied atleast 3 times. Fast forward I haven't been able to work for years I'm broke with no money and no insurance, I'm tired of every waking moment being tortured with pain, discomfort, lack of energy, and most of all shitty quality of life, I cant fish anymore, i cant workout or train MMA anymore, I CANT EVEN HAVE A FUCKING LIFE AT THIS POINT. I'm just short of suicide and I'm at the point where I rather just not exist anymore, I hate myself, I have no money and cant work, I cant perform any of my hobbies because I'm weak and broke, my dog is my only light and I'm crying just thinking about leaving him hes like my child I love him more than anything but my parents will take care of him. If you are going through crohns FIGHT BACK, i failed in my mission to fight back unfortunately but do not let yourself become like me DONT GIVE UP.
  • @LiveLoveLaugh22
    Can this drug help you go into remission! Are there side effects? Also a follow up interview would be nice!