Gang-gang update 20 June 2024. Gang-gang numbers down due to massive cold front passing through AU.

Published 2024-06-20
Only 13 Gang-gangs this morning as a massive cold front continues to pass through Australia and the eastern sea board. With the air extremely cold in my local area it makes it a bit uncomfortable for the Gang-gangs to forage as widely as they usually would.

In the video we also see that an adult female has sustained a serious leg injury. This is very sad, especially with females being scarce due to the Gang-gang demographic crisis. I don't know for certain but I always suspect that such injuries come from human interference. Her wings are 100% fine, so maybe she can survive, I certainly hope so. It is a bit upsetting for me when I see such things, although I don't give away much on camera, and I am pretty helpless at trying to stop other humans from doing such things.

All Comments (2)
  • Poor little girl! Praying that she heals fast and fully. Is there any chance that it's arthritis? I once saw a parrot that had healed-injury-related arthritis the acted up in the weather, and he held the impacted foot like that only when it was hurting.