This PLAT Stuck in Elo Hell *PROVED* He Deserves A Higher Rank... (In A MASTERS Lobby)

Published 2023-06-23
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All Comments (21)
  • @whiteghost1798
    When you get 5 people who you think are in "elo hell" you should put them in the same team against a higher level team to truly test their abilities
  • @nicolasshell4088
    Hey guys, Kaks here, Just thought I’d say thanks for all the support + tips in the comments. Is awesome to read through! Enjoyed the experience 3)
  • @albinofroggy
    His play style only works when there are comms. Nothing wrong with that, but in metal ranks there is zero comms so he is just going to get left out to dry in all of his games. He needs to have a little more caution to his own self-preservation. He won't have the lucio speeding him out and the bap always using the immortality correctly in plat. That's why he's stuck.
  • @kinggibbs2746
    With this description I’d want this guy on my team too
  • @ThePmcderm91
    He’s like allergic to using his shield lol
  • @jawatu6326
    The fact that jays chat switches at the end on the plat rein because of a mistake its crazy ,it was a clear team diff and that guy should be higher than plat . Do more plat players ,plat is mixed with either cracked people or terrible
  • @ryzacraft
    You need a tank with high mobility on numbani defence because your supports are probably going to want to spread across the high ground and the tank needs to be able to peel for them. If the tank can’t move between point and high ground quickly, the moment the enemy team push the tank to drop, the supports are vulnerable.
  • @Ridlay_
    Despite key problems like lack of shielding and only one hero really, he absolutely held his own in the lobby and even made some great plays and comms. Definitely did not seem like a plat player.
  • @isaiahandersen9269
    I think when you find someone that is a talented as Kacks you should get a top level rien to chat with him and give him a few tips and tricks that would further elevate his gameplay.
  • @anonymall
    I love how the guy writes "disgusting metallic grey" on his essay even though that's the color of Reinhardt's armor
  • @shanewinn1642
    I think this guy just had really good supports in the first game. I think they could make it to diamond but unless they start playing more like a tank I don't see them progressing much further.
  • @coachkoby
    SO impressive out of of Kaks. If he remembers that he IS the choke for his team, and that it's his job to create and hold space for his team, CREATING OPPORTUNITY for THEM to make plays, and not always make the plays himself, he can climb very fast. Tank is a selfless role. Overall, we found him. He is the one.
  • @Real_MisterSir
    The sole thing keeping this guy from climbing, is discipline. And mind, many people correlate discipline with playing more defensive - but discipline at its core is all about understanding priority and value. His playstyle is great for ladder play and climbing, and what he needs is the mental discipline of prioritizing what value to aggressively pursue. For example, discipline of paying attention to enemy intentions ahead of team fights, so he doesn't get walled by Mei every fight and his Bap has to waste lamp early. Discipline to check enemy Rein position and ult track, so he isn't miles deep in the enemy team 1v5 leaving his entire backline open for ez enemy shatter, etc. Discipline of understanding how to be aggro when he doesn't have a Masters lvl Lucio player speeding him around and also actively comming to tell their intend 24/7. All of this he should be able to accomplish on his own, in a lobby of no comms, with subpar team mates. He must have the discipline to know what value to pursue and when to do it. High effort comms filled custom lobbies like this one will always provide a far better foundation for good plays than a random rng rank lobby ever could. But it's the rng rank lobby he's trying to climb from, not the custom perfect setup one.
  • @donovankim6183
    β€œListen to the comms. Listen to the communication!” The comms: YeYeYeOhEhEhehehEhapeyesissjdd
  • @lostxnxyou
    Its a rank based on a role. Not a single character. What happens if other team stayed bastion? Or other tank switched to ram or orisa? I think hes better than some plats but not better than plat.
    His biggest issue is that because he's stuck in Platinum, he can abuse aggressive gameplay in lobbies that generally don't expect tanks to be that aggressive. He carried that over in game 1 but to his favour. The other games, he got diffed hard by the opposing tank and DPS. KAKS lacks adaptability. The enemy team knew to switch things up but he kept forcing Reinhardt and it ended up being his downfall. If he can just learn to swap and adapt where needed and combine that with his game-sense, he could easily hit Masters.
  • @makispapa5867
    This is NOT solo queue, this rein is not meant to be Masters. He's Plat 1 tops. He charges in LOS of everyone taking a shittone of damage, his Baptiste might deserve Grandmaster to be fair because he saved him 1000 times. Same as Lucio. When 5 people are communicating and know your intent and understand it AND not second-guess it, then sure you're gonna have a great time. But try this in solo queue, he would be 4/18 with 6k damage max.
  • @UnderaRockGaming
    This whole video gave me chills bro. Your sense of community is overwhelming and so joyous. You even brought duck out to watch zis glory! Vunderbar!
  • @salem1451
    As a Rein main myself it is obvious that this Reinhardt player has good mechanics and understanding of Rein's playstyle. He held his own well in the mirror against his masters counterpart. The problem occurs when we see him on maps that do not favor Rein. It appears that his hero pool is lacking and that will sadly keep him in lower ranks even if his Reinhardt play is deserving of a higher rank. In a game where there is only 1 tank flexibility is king. It doesn't matter if your winrate on king's row and Lijang are 90% if you're going to be queuing into an insta-loss everytime you land on Numbani and Gibraltar.
  • @karamei
    I really think the ping was hurting him more than originally thought. On Lijiang, for example, he had a lot of interesting charges that seemed like a whole second or two late. And on Numbani, I can't imagine why he would've deliberately NOT used his ult when demeched at the end of the round, so I think ping probably messed up the timing of hitting Q. I (NA) sometimes play with my EU friends, and the increased ping can sometimes really throw you off. Sometimes I just straight up don't queue dps when playing with EU people (I'm a support main and my dps is mid at best normally lmfao). This guy has amazing charisma and shot-calling, and paired really well with that Lucio on Kings Row (who had some amazing beats). I think his losses were a combination of the following: ping, team synergy diff (you're going to be hella lucky if you find a comp game with comms/teamwork like that Kings Row even once a week nowadays), and obviously map diff. Kings Row is favorable to Rein. Numbani is not. He should have gone Winton or something much sooner on Numbani, but tbh he probably gave himself and his team too much benefit of the doubt in being able to pull off that necessary rotation to high ground with Rein. Anyway I think he can climb 100%.