25 Minute Timer

Published 2018-01-09
This timer silently counts down to 0:00, then alerts you that time is up with a gentle beep sound.

All Comments (21)
  • @meganaaa
    I was just staring at this and I totally forgot why I needed it for.
  • @bumblebee2822
    And people thought the most wholesome comments are on kitten videos. I've never seen so many people agree on one thing: a great timer!
  • @meganaaa
    one million people need this timer U^U
  • I used this timer to count down the minutes the kids in my basement had to live before I devoured their souls.:)) Omg tysm omg
  • 25 mins is the perfect amount of time to concentrate on any one task!
  • @beep6621
    Use as a nap timer in the library that only goes through my headphones and doesn’t disturb anyone
  • @Trekamunin
    I love how this screwes with the yt algorithm. "I see you like 25 minute timer, would you perhaps like a 30 minute timer, or maybe a 45 minute timer? Here's a mix of your favourite timers and other similar videos."
  • Best Moments Timestamps: 1:00 -- 24 minute mark 2:00 -- 23 minute mark 3:00 -- 22 minute mark 4:00 -- 21 minute mark 5:00 -- 20 minute mark 5:00 -- 19 minute mark 5:38 -- 19 minute and 22 second mark 6:00 -- 18 minute mark 7:00 -- 17 minute mark 8:00 -- 16 minute mark 9:00 -- 15 minute mark 10:00 -- 14 minute mark 11:00 -- 13 minute mark 12:00 -- 12 minute mark 13:00 -- 11 minute mark 14:00 -- 10 minute mark 15:00 -- 9 minute mark 16:00 -- 8 minute mark 17:00 -- 7 minute mark 18:00 -- 6 minute mark 19:00 -- 5 minute mark 20:00 -- 4 minute mark 21:00 -- 3 minute mark 22:00 -- 2 minute mark 23:00 -- 1 minute mark 24:00 -- 60 second mark 25:00 -- 0 second mark + alarm!
  • @cbr380
    Beautiful. This is beautiful. There is no clickbait, this video is a masterpiece. The soundtrack, the diversity of images : no one second is the same in this chef d'oeuvre. Thank you. You have changed my life. Forever.
  • @keegs2662
    I think that this has beenn the most entertaining youtube video I've watched all day.
  • @Axpixel
    I love how every second there is something different in this video. Very creative! lol
  • @sadie_cat
    I used your timer to sleep on a bench before class
  • I use this timer to practice my saxophone. It helps me concentrate, because its not a bomb or a circle that I feel obligted o check on ever 30 seconds. Thanks!