The Effects of Social Isolation on the Brain

Published 2021-03-07
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Thanks so much for watching the first video everyone, I really appreciate it! Hope it wasn't too doom and gloom. I tried to take positive neuroscientific teachings and apply them to a rough situation we are all facing. Really hope you enjoyed it. If you have any feedback on the video or suggestions for what my next video could be, leave them all down below. Id love to get a conversation going! Il leave the evocative set of readings below pretty, interesting stuff.

Have a fantastic day everybody.

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Stanford Prison Experiment: [   • The Stanford Prison Experiment Offici...  ](   • The Stanford Prison Experiment Offici...  )

Documentary clips of Harlows Monkeys: [   • Video  ](   • Video  )

Little Albert Experiment: [   • The Little Albert Experiment  ](   • The Little Albert Experiment  )

Wim Hoff: [   • Wim Hof, The Iceman Cometh | HUMAN Li...  ](   • Wim Hof, The Iceman Cometh | HUMAN Li...  )


Harlow and Monkey; […](…)

Zimbardo: […](…)



Research Papers:

Rick Hanson Website: […](…)

Baumeister, R. F., Bratslavsky, E., Finkenauer, C., & Vohs, K., D. (2001). Bad is stronger than good. Review of General Psychology, 5(4), 323-370. doi: 10.1037//1089-2680.5.4.323

Rozin, P., & Royzman, E. B. (2001). Negativity bias, negativity dominance, and contagion. Personality and Social Psychological Review, 5(4), 296-320.

Hanson, R. (2013). Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence. New York: Random House.

All Comments (21)
  • @AlphaCrucis
    I'm not convinced that social isolation itself is as bad as everyone says it is after taking into account all the other factors. Nutrition, exercise, sleep, sunlight, fresh air, mental stimulation, etc.
  • @inspiringer6418
    Covid isolation makes me feel better because I don't have to be surrounded by people and be reminded that I have no friends
  • @johnCjr4671
    A lot of People have been let down over their lifetimes by Family and friends, these traumas lead to isolation for many especially introverts . These experiments are horrifying and Anyone involved in such things are Monstrous Humans that should be in Jail for torture including the current Pharmaceutical Industry ! 😢
  • Drugs fuel isolation. You could be in a cardboard box and feel totally comfortable as long as you have your drug because it gives you "love" and temporarily bandaids boredom/ loneliness 😢
  • @TaraBodhi1
    "Talking heads" s01e01 perfect example of effects of social isolation. I thought of joining a nunnery, going to a mental health unit, committing a crime to go to prison or going to live on the streets for company. I used to be a uni educated biomedical scientist andrologist now I'm nothing, I'm desperate for help learning how to live again and meet people but there just isn't any (I have severe PTSD, its what got me here and its what is making it hard to get out)
  • This is only true for the social majority. I go weeks without seeing people, except in television. People are cruel, evil, and love to victimise others to get the approval of their social herd. The one being victimised is tortured so the social idiots can have a laugh. For the victim, being social is horrible, even terrifying. For us, being completely alone is our peace. We feel far more comfort being away from the hypocrites, liars, people seeking social approval for their cruelty, and those desperate for their social herd to approve of them. There are also those that claim they love us but just want us to lower our guard so they can be cruel. Those are the worse. Isolation is not the most horrible thing there is for humans, as opposed to monkeys. For social people, it is probably the worse thing in existence to be isolated. For people like me, you social people are the worse things for us. Leave the recluses alone. We already know the kind of people social people tend to be. We do not need to be the butt of your jokes and mockery. We are getting smart to your tactics. You need us to be there so you can have your laughs. So social people, go fu¢K yourselves. I do not need to o be part of your evil game. I feel far more safe away from you social herd members. I guarantee if I were 2 meters tall and extremely strong you would not be so abusive. Social people are so pathetically dependent on each other that they have to be cruel to the recluses because their herd demands it.
  • @TaraBodhi1
    For 2 years and counting I've been alone with no friends or family support, no-one to talk to on the phone. No-where to go, nothing to look forward to. I see a gp once a week and speak to the checkout operator getting groceries. I have 2 dogs I wish they spoke back. Its indescribable. It frustrates me that social isolation & lonliness is now related to covid isolation. I think epidemic/ sort-twrm mandates isolation and involuntary inescapable long term isolation should be defined as two distinct forms of isolation. I wish I had covid isolation - Id still have someone to speak to and look forward to.
  • Really noticed how you emphasized perception. Then you described how our perception is shaped by what we pay attention to the most (what we focus on the most). What’s petrifying to think about, is perhaps our number one fixation is self preservation. This seems like the womb of fear, which perhaps births every human wretchedness we see in front of us. Our motives are controlled by thought of being hurt or loosing something. So much to dive into here. Great topic choice for the vid.
  • @macuriel
    Amazing video Evan! It feels like you are giving a scientific background to all those expresions we have always heard: give what you would like to recieve, fake it until you make it, the wolf that you feed... Its all about perception and what we actually pay attention to that defines the way our brains will process information in the future and affect our attitude towads any new inputs we will recieve in life. Sorry for the long comment but it really gives a lot to think about. PS: you have an amazing voice 😍
  • @brawlberry2824
    Haha when watching this, it really felt like watching a youtuber with hundreds of thousands subscribers😂 - Very professionally made!
  • @sealinatophat
    Top drawer stuff dude, look forward to seeing more from this channel
  • @LizMcNamara47
    Very well put together Evan, all the more reason to implant those positive feedback experiences into your diglot business, also collecting your own data, and implementing improved experiences to your customers, especially on the digital platforms! Really enjoyed this video, keep em coming!
  • @BieberFever99xx
    Well done Evan - super interesting and important right now!!
  • @suhokim0522
    Thank you so much for this. It really helps with my studies on social deprivation for sociology :)
  • Really good video.Well- researched, great content, and nicely delivered. Top shelf👍
  • Thank you for that great insight and your research! I moved to a big city almost three years ago and I have had trouble making friends and forming relationships. Except for work I have been self-isolating myself all this time. I can tell that something has changed in my cognitive behavior and my skills are slowly decreasing. It's quite scary. I am planning on moving back home next year, so hopefully all the damage can be reversed.