Tom and Star breakup

Publicado 2022-10-13
Tom handled the situation so well 😭

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @AlexTheBest
    Poor Tom, turned to the most hated to the most respected
  • Tom:Let's break up. Star:Why? Tom: Because i don't need 3 eyes to see you actually love Marco!
  • @halokit9000
    Its crazy cause when he was first introduced Tom was so OBSESSED with getting back together with Star, so the fact that hes the one that broke up with her shows how much he changed and matured.
  • @jyrael
    "It's not what you do or don't do, it's where you're headed" bro I don't watch Star Versus the Forces of Evil but that line hits hard to me for some reason
  • Tom was too good for star . She was selfish , reckless and immature whereas he was hard working and fixed his flaws
  • I kinda understand how tom feels you put 100 percent in a relationship which doesn't work and you try and you try hard to make this relationship work but at the end it doesn't work at all
  • @gvantsaanime5290
    Tom tried everything to make Star comfortable, give her attention and etc. But I think I know the real reason why they broke up. Tom said that their ways were different and didn't suit each other, in reality Tom knew that Star had feelings for Marco and Marco felt the same. When Blood Moon chosed them Tom already knew they were meant for each other, that they were soulmates, he said: I wanted Blood Moon to choose us but instead it choose you and Marco (idk if this is fully correct). He knew the way they looked at eachother, and knew they deserved eachother. He still liked her but bc of it he broke up with her, so the two can be together. After breakup they were helping Janna picking up balls I think, and he said to Marco: me and Star are broken up now, so you and your best friend should end up together as something more (I wrote it how I remember). Than Marco says: No Tom, Blood Moon Curse is cured.(Again, I don't know if this is fully correct). Then Tom says: Cmon dude, There's something else than Blood Moon Curse. Star is clumsy girl and I get it, that she didn't deserve him, maybe she was careless sometimes but she still tried. Maybe He really deserves better but Star still tried, so don't blame it all on Star, it wasn't her fault she had fellings for Marco and not as much for Tom. (Idk why I wrote this 🙂) I ship both to be honest, at first I didn't understand why was Starco cannon and Not Tomstar, but when I watched every episode with big attention, I knew that Star and Marco were for eachother, sure Tom and Star are cute too but I ship Starco more, especially in last series, they run to the portal just to see eachother and stay together. I really loved Tomstar, but feelings aren't game to win, Star and Marco love eachother and their soulmates 💛🤎 (This is my opinion and don't attack me, also sorry if any grammatical errors).
  • It'd be fucking hilarious if instead of Starco being canon, Tom and Marco realize they're basically break up victims and Tom's like, "so, wanna be my boyfriend then?" And Marco's like "sure why not." And they become canon. That would be the good ending imo
  • @TreyBayWoo-
    “Well then give me back the damn cat I’m taking full custody “
  • @Cha0s009
    I loved this moment cause it was such a big step forward for Tom and a massive growth in his character.
  • @HNUmaker
    Tom doesn’t deserve Star, he deserves better. Glad they broke up.
  • @galaxystars2733
    I’m gonna be honest and I don’t wanna sound mean, but I shipped Marco and Star better on my second favorite ship was Tom and Marco
  • @user-ed7fu1bn2j
    As much sad as this was i was crying with my eyes and sighing with my mouth because finally they broke up🎉
  • @maggierosed
    “It’s not about what you do or what you don’t do, it’s about where you’re headed, and we’re both headed to different places” that’s too real 😭