Indoor Screen Free Activities We Are Currently Loving (For 4, 5 and 6-Year-Olds)

Today we are going to share with you seven screen free indoor activities that we are currently really enjoying. We are always looking for new indoor activities. We love being outdoors and that is always great, but sometimes you just want something you can do 15 minutes here or in the evening there. You don’t want to do the same old, same old things either.

We spend the vast majority of our time outside, but with fall approaching and cooler times ahead of us, we know we are going to be spending less time outside. We want to be prepared with fun activities that the kids can look forward to and enjoy. These have been perfect for the postpartum season we are currently in too!

We hope this helps you get some good ideas if your children are around the same ages as our children. We are always interested in new activities as our children phase in and out of interests. We love to expose them to a lot of different things. We want them to have a lot of different skill sets as they grow up, so they can engage themselves off of media and screens.

1. Abeka Bible Stories
- Check eBay and used book sites to find the older version we prefer.
2. Chess board
- Heavy Club Chess Set -
3. Knitting
- "How To Teach Your 4 and 5-Year-Old To Knit" -    • How To Teach Your 4 and 5-Year-Old To...  
4. Music lessons
- Voetberg Music Academy -
5. Paper Sloyd
Book -
6. Magna-tiles, lego, train tracks
- "No Stress, No Clutter, Toy Organization (Your Kids Clean Up After Themselves!)" -    • No Stress, No Clutter, Toy Organizati...  
- Wooden tracks -
- Trains -
7. Reading
- Nate the Great books -


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00:00-2:53 - Intro
2:53-4:28 - Abeka Bible stories
4:28-7:38 - Chess board
7:38-9:06 - Knitting
9:06-12:13 - Music lessons
12:13-16:31 - Paper Sloyd
16:31-18:07 - Reading
18:07-19:29 - Closing
19:29-20:49 - VMA discount code

コメント (21)
  • Omg! Katie you look amazing 3 weeks postpartum! You two have been a blessing to our family. Although my husband and I are older than you (mid 30s), we lost our way in this world. This year we recommitted our life to Jesus and have been improving since. Our family dynamic and our children’s lives have changed for the better. I’ve learned so much from you all. Katie I love your chats with your mom and mother in law (I’ve gone and watched all of them 😂) as well as the recent podcast with your parents and Elisha. Elisha, your interview with Dr Eggerichs was a game changer for my husband and me. Believe it or not you two are changing lives. May the Lord continue to bless you!
  • @kimpreslar303
    Old-fashioned ideas I used to love doing as a kid: Coloring and drawing, creating with Play-Doh, Lite-Brite, Grocery Store with a cash register at checkout, read-along record books, making picture books by cutting from magazines and using glue sticks, writing creative stories or recording stories if they can’t write yet, playing dress up, building with Lincoln Logs and Tinkertoys, and so many more. I love these because most require original thought and creativity and are fun yet inexpensive even all these years later. As an only child, I would do these for hours and not get bored or with friends I had over. 😊❤
  • my older boys favorite activity right now (8 and 9) is finding good sticks to make into walking canes. They spent hours in he basement on rainy days with their knifes making it smooth, carving into into, sanding, and staining them. Then they give it away and start another.
  • We are really into board games now. I buy them 2nd hand so they are 1-4 dollars each so we have a ton to choose from. I also buy books 2nd hand. I want to get an indoor playground but really dont have room in house. Thanks for all your ideas, my kids will love knitting
  • I stumbled across your videos a few months ago and have been watching them ever since! They really are game changers for our family. It's a whole new world of parenting that I never knew existed. Thank you so much for sharing your hearts with the world. I wish you guys were based LA, then we could be buddies. I never realized how hard it was to have Mom friends that are like-minded. But nonetheless you are a blessing to me!
  • @kendratai
    The Usborne My First Chess Book has been super helpful for my kids learning chess on their own. None of them read but the look at the pictures and play together with a little travel magnetic chess board. My husband also really liked playing No Stress Chess board game with the kids. He said it made playing with the little kids a lot better 😂
  • @catgeel264
    As a kid, we had a series of books with little science projects/ sciencey art activities and I LOVED doing those! As I'm from Europe, the books were not in English, but I'm sure there are equivalent books available in the US. There were for example experiments where you'd put a colored see-through piece of plastic in front of a camera lens, or experiments with starch to make a non-newtonian fluid, or making and comparing salt and sugar crystals, ... Gave me a life-long passion for science and it was SO MUCH FUN!
  • Congratulations you hit 80,000 subscribers today! Katie, you look amazing for three weeks postpartum. You guys have found your niche keep sharing the Contant consistently we’re here for it.
  • I’m so inspired by this video! Unfortunately, I let too much screen time into our home and it’s so hard to get it out 😢 What a blessing to not have introduced it!
  • Oh my I didn’t know they still had those big picture bible stories! I used those growing up and loved them too!
  • One thing I saw a friend do with her kiddos and now we are doing is to use a light board to trace pictures. My 5 year old doesn’t like to write or draw for long. In order to create greater interest in using writing utensils, I would give him some of his favorite characters or animals to trace from a book we have. Also, I have him trace a favorite animal or something from our week of homeschool.
  • @hannitamarie
    Growing up, one of my favorite games to play in the evenings with my family was backgammon! That could be a fun activity for the kids in the future!
  • We’re also screen free. Our wild 3 year old will play with our nugget couch for hours a day! Lol! He usually needs help but it’s a great activity for him.
  • We lived in a tiny camper full time for a year. When we had a house we never used screens, but on a rainy day in the camper screens were a godsend and helped so much to save space with some schoolwork being on the iPad. We currently travel full time with hubby’s job and all the hotel time means we do have screen time but we put limits on it. I think for us and our travel, whenever we have a house we are a no screen family but if we are in a tiny hotel for over a month, we use screens on the 106 degree days.
  • Great list! I would add age appropriate puzzles and, when kids are a bit older than yours, easy cooking and baking projects with an accompanying kids cookbook. Somewhat controversial due to the messy nature if it, I'd also add play-doh. The creativity that pours out through play-doh is amazing. My 4 year old enjoys it, and when my now teens were younger they loved it too. They would occasionally watch Kid's Baking Challenge (I know, it's a screen) and the trade off was well worth it. My boys would head to the kitchen to create Shabbat desserts and many other things, as well as have play-doh challenges making plates of "food" and asking parents to play judge to their creations.
  • @eveboo
    Thank you so much for sharing and for always being a good positive influence and inspiration! I have learned and been inspired by your family, truly a blessing!. We have an 8 and a 5 year old, they enjoy: -Painting -Making bracelets -8 year old likes snap circuits -1 player puzzle/logic games -Puzzles -Diamond painting -Reading -Clay -Cooking Etc..
  • @meglupo18
    I'm following yall closely right now. I'm a mom of 2, 38 years old with a lot of pain from arthritis, but hoping to maybe have a 3rd and who knows maybe a 4th or 5th baby. ❤ I homeschool them and I don't work thankfully. I admire how yall do things and I am praying the Lord will help me to implement a lot of these wonderful tips and lifestyle changes into our home "culture ". I love the family culture Idea so much. Thanks for the time and energy yall put into these videos. They are a treasure. Love the ones with your parents so much Katie!
  • Hi there guys, my husband and I just found you a few weeks ago and have been loving your videos. It is so encouraging and refreshing to see the male and female Godly perspective on a lot of your topics and so we wanted to request a video on how you guys talk to your boys about purity. The fact that your kids being so YOUNG were able to open up to you guys about how they either looked away quickly or looked for a little longer when they saw those girls with little clothes was just so beautiful to us. We would love to hear how you guys plant that seed on them and present those subjects to them in this time where promiscuity is found EVERYWHERE! We would love to hear how your husband specifically is able to relate to them in that sense as well as how you play a role as their mother on relating to them afar from displaying modesty in your own home.
  • Love this! My family and I also are screen free and have no TV, as well as homeschool. We have a 2 and 6 year old. One thing they both love is highlights magazines search and finds, and national geographic kids magazines. Although I will say sometimes we run into information in the nat geo magazine I don't believe in, in makes for a great discussion. I guess an obvious one too is puzzles, and forts being built. Love your channel and appreciate all the work you two put in to creating quality content. 👌