Why many “attractive” women/men are single?

Published 2022-07-19

All Comments (21)
  • LADIES: Listen to Tony! I followed his "How to Date Correctly" video (the one where he has on a white tee. He recorded it about a year ago, fyi) EXACTLY and it helped me enter into a healthy, loving, progressing relationship. Listen to Tony! Especially if it hurts your feelings!! Ask yourself why it struck a nerve and work on whatever that is lol
  • @la6136
    I actually believe it is much easier for average looking people to find good relationships than highly attractive people. People put too many bad stereotypes and assumptions on attractive men and women before they even get to know them. Attractive men are seen as players and beautiful women are seen as gold diggers and users.
  • @iishalanae
    All I can say as a single woman is it’s HARD OUT HERE! The dynamic of the female/male connection have shifted in a way where it’s frightening. Discernment is a must now more than ever. Vetting and patience is a must. My faith in God keeps me hopeful. I’m just gonna keep working on me.
  • @Jenjenn1111
    This is just too complicated…it’s a lot of men walking around thinking they are a catch but not through the eyes of a woman.
  • I am considered a pretty attractive woman and this is what I have found. I have dated nice guys, bad boys, fine men, ugly men, skinny men, fat men, tall men, short men, men I was attracted to, and men that I wasn't attracted to. I have found that they have all cheated on me or been disrespectful in some way. I used to be thin, now I'm plus sized. The treatment actually got slightly better with more weight on me. At this point, I'm in my 40s, I take every man with a grain of salt. I have found that a lot of men approach me, but it is in a lustful way. I have also found that these guys tend to commit to more "average looking" woman. I have also found that my friends that are considered "average" are more likely to get into relationships. I have also found that most of the women I know who are in committed relationships have settled in some way. At this point, I just focus on living my best life.
  • @smores8982
    Attractive women usually have a lot of men who only go after them for sex. And when that happens often, she has to have discernment. It is not flattering when a man doesn’t take you very seriously cause they simply see you as a piece of meat or a “fun time”. I’m now super cautious with a man’s intent. There is no shortage of them who just wants a little fun at your expense. Believe that.
  • A woman told me when I was a teenager to have a boyfriend that was unattractive so I would not have problems with other girls wanting my boyfriend. I have learned that the unattractive men are disrespectful as well, it's the personality of a person that makes a person attractive, some men that are very attractive can have a ugly personality because they are conceited because women cater to them because they look good, they never make them accountable for their bad behavior
  • @evka24
    To be beautiful and naive is the worst combo for woman
  • @brittanyw.605
    At this point just wait on God! Singleness is not a disease no matter how old you are!!! People like who they like and we should be so focused on trying to get into heaven because we are in the last days!!! Your soul should be in order 🤷🏾‍♀️
  • @qesther1241
    Why are 99% of YouTube videos about how women need to lower their standards but never for the man to lower his standards? Or come up to financially meet her where she is?
  • the problem with the world is so many people have issues stemming from childhood that needs to be addressed - before they start dating. Folks are superficial, ungrateful, ignorant, heartless, hurt, and arrogant. Instead of being stable, good, sensible, humble, more appreciative and open. There are both single men & women in the comments that can find mates if they "thought outside of the box" & worked on themselves 1st. Yes, I said it. Women will spend $hundreds of dollar doing hair, makeup nails, (on the outside) yet won't go to counseling and ( send $1) to fix what's going on in the inside. Change and compromise is necessary. Focus on that instead of thinking others should change. Start by changing yourself. Real talk!
  • @victoriaxox0
    When you're attractive these men just want to do you, happens to me constantly 😓
  • The problem is that it’s hard to find a man with good character. They all want to hook up so we have no other choice but to be selective so we won’t get hurt!!!!
  • I’m single because I’m a socially awkward introvert. I meet men all the time but I always manage to say the wrong thing or put my foot in my mouth. I also don’t get out much. I’m trying to get out more and meet more people. I feel awkward going to things by myself but I’m getting used to it.
  • @toscadonna
    I was 5’-11” before I broke my neck. My husband was 4” shorter than me. I’ve never cared much for men’s looks or height, and I just wanted him to have a decent job. But that still didn’t get me a good man. One of the reasons women’s preferences get so high as they get older is, because we didn’t care about superficial things when we were young, and we got dogged out anyway. If I’m gonna get dogged out, he’d better at least be hot. All men are acting like players these days, so what’s the point in giving any subpar man a chance when he’s just gonna act like the rich model guy, too?
  • Date on your level. Be realistic on expectations. Take a deeper look at yourself. Check your preferences vs. standards. Look at face value not fantasy. I’m going to have to watch this again. This was a great message. It requires a rewatch.
  • @007creole
    I know my husband was sent straight from God. He didn’t check all the boxes when it came to “preference” when we met, in fact I thought he was a square. Was the best decision I have ever made! Don’t be tricked by preference ladies, you may miss out on a blessing!
  • @tcs1351
    Basically beautiful/pretty women have options and alot of men are insecure. So no it's easier to be with a average woman who will settle for them and never leave. It's all about security. Beautiful women are hard work and guys are lazy lol.
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  • @gcode305
    A lot of attractive people are lovers of themselves and the world and you can’t be that and seek the kingdom and love God first, we’re just a vessel on earth. Solid relationships and marriages are like a braid=three strains (Man/God/women), a two strain twist (just man/women and no God) will always unravel. A braid locks a man’s has to lead in love but they have to be equally yolked spiritually, but attractive people that are humble and seek wisdom from God are the unicorns and set apart of this earth.